Thursday, 31 March 2011
End Of The World 2012 December ( Government Cover-Up Or Myth?)
Mayan Calendars predict the End of the World, in December, 2012 . The Mayan calendar is a system of calendars and almanacs used by the Mayan civilization, dating back to at least the 6th Century B.C The calendar is set to end on the 21st of December and many believe this is when the Earth will end. December 21, 2012 will be the most important date for all of Humanity. The ancient Mayans created the Long Count calandar to mark this date as the beginning of a new cycle for Mankind. Why are some people are calling 2012 "Doomsday" and the end of the world ...As we know it! Don't believe the Nay-Sayers... Learn the Real Truth about 2012. Learn the real truth about Goverment Coverups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know... Learn how you can help turn what many believe to be the darkest period in history into the most enlightened. The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? Unearth the truth about "The Fifth Age Of Man" and whether 2012 is an ending... or a much needed new beginning for us all. One of the reasons some people believe that December 2012 will bring about the end of the world is because scientists say that we are moving across the middle of the Milky Way. What happens during this time is there is an alignment that's occurring because Earth does this little tilt and a little wobble over long periods of time. Scientists have published this openly that the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a very powerful source of magnetic energy. The term they use is "magnetic filiments" that radiate from the center of our Milky Way. On December 21st in the year 2012, we have a straight shot--a linear shot, unobstructed by any other planets or any other bodies in the solar system--where we have direct access to that field of energy. When we look into our past, and the greatest way to do this Scientifically is to examine the icy cores taken from our north and south poles, we can see the dates that are the fractals or the seed patterns for 2012, they tell us that in those dates the magnetic fields of the Earth becomes weaker. The Vatican has built two earth based telescopes (Vulcan and Vatt) and is currently about launch their own space based telescope so they can view Nibiru as it approaches. SETI, NASA and several other space organizations around the world have been monitoring Nibiru's travel via telescopes in Antarctica. Bible Scripture describes a war in the latter days in the middle east. One that we are involved in. Something will happen that will cause the flesh to melt off the bones and the eyes out of the sockets. The Catholic church is only supposed to have 1 more POPE before 2012. The Bible, in the Book of Revelation, tells of how the end of our time ends and the next begins. Money, Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver all will be worthless. The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas all used the same calendar that ends in our Gregorian calendar year of December 21st, 2012. The fate of these civilizations is a mystery. Their calendars were turned inside out by the Roman Catholic Church and the Gregorian Calendar made to replace them. It is not a secret that the Earth has experienced some of the strangest and most severe weather occurrences on record, signalling that something is changing our weather patterns. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1962982) Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.
End of the World is Near! Analyzing the Bible Timeline
Apocalypse! Holocaust! Armageddon! The use of these words in the title of a book or movie guarantees interest and sales of any product. Everyone wants to know the future! What is going to happen? People sense today that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. Books and movies focus on end-of-the-world scenarios with vivid catastrophic effects. Precisely what the crisis will be varies based on personal beliefs and speculations. Bible believers expect the second coming of the Messiah, Yahushua, at the end of the world. The events leading up to the second coming have been endlessly questioned, debated and speculated about by countless millions. Speculation, however, is unnecessary. Scripture itself indicates how old the Earth will be at the end of time. Prophetic timelines provide details of events to take place as the Earth itself reaches the fullness of time allotted to it. Knowing the age of the Earth thus provides insight into where we are in the stream of time and how close we are to the final events in Earth's history. There are two basic ways the age of the Earth is calculated: 1) scientifically and, 2) chronologically. Scientists use carbon 14 dating to estimate their many tens of thousands of years. Christians, on the other hand, use the more accurate chronology of the sacred scriptures plus history recorded on papyrus, pottery, stones, etc. The age of the Earth is mathematically easy to determine and very accurate if one believes the scriptures and uses the Bible record just as it reads. The larger and corresponding question is what happens at the end of time. Establishing age can imply an end of that age. The Bible itself has a lot of information regarding what happens as probationary time ends. Too often, however, personal speculation has guessed at Earth's final events rather than using the prophetic time lines, types and anti-types, and the events established and provable by scripture. Today, with computers and information available on the internet, it is possible to determine the age of the world according to the Bible account. The Creator wants His people to know what is coming on the Earth. He urged, "Take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand" (Mark 13:23, NKJV(1)). He further warned, "But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." (Matthew 24:36) However, believers are clearly instructed to "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming" (Matthew 25:13). If it were not possible to know when the second coming is near, than there would not be so many repeated warnings to watch and be ready. The fact that Yahushua repeatedly urged His followers to watch and be ready, reveals that it is possible to know when the end of the world is near. "See, I have told you beforehand . . . So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the very doors" (Matthew 24:25, 33). Heaven wants people to know the signs of Yahushua's soon return! It was for this very reason that Paul was inspired to write: "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" (I Corinthians 10:11 & 12). An "ensample" is a type: something which is a model or pattern of what is to come in the future. Scripture is full of these types and Paul emphatically states that they were given for the admonition: the warning and instruction, of those who will be living at the end of time. The Biblical books of Daniel and Revelation contain information regarding the end of the world and the pouring out of the Wrath of Yahuwah at the end of time. It is of vital importance that everyone study and understand the significance of the time in which we are living. This year, 5997, (fall of 2009 to fall of 2010, Gregorian solar time), means that the amount of time measured off for the probation of Earth's people is almost over. All should number their days and learn what is coming, and when, in order to be prepared for the second coming of Yahushua. This article will establish from scripture how the age of the Earth can be accurately calculated from the Biblical record. The Great Week of Time The week as a unit of time measurement is introduced in the first chapter of Genesis. The Earth was created in six days and on the seventh day the Creator rested. This format of six days of work plus one of rest has been applied to the time allotted for sin to run its course since the first century A.D.(2). Since the week is made of six work days, the time for Earth's probation is understood to be six thousand years. The Epistle of Barnabas, written circa A.D. 70-131 clearly states: Of the sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of the creation: And God made the works of His hands in six days, and He ended on the seventh day, and rested on it, and He hallowed it. Give heed, children, what this meaneth: He ended in six days. He meaneth this: that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifieth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end. And He rested on the seventh day. This He meaneth; when His Son shall come, and shall abolish the time of the Lawless One, and shall judge the ungodly, and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars, then shall He truly rest on the seventh day.(3) Scripture itself supports the interpretation of Creation week as a symbol of the great Week of Time as a total of 7000 years. Adam was told: "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die" (Genesis 2:16,17). Adam did not die the very day he ate forbidden fruit. However, he did die within the first prophetic day of 1,000 years because he died when he was 930 years old. (See Genesis 5:5.) The apostle Peter clearly understood this principle when he stated: "Beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). The Creator intended us to understand the symbol of one day equaling one thousand years. Prophetic time can also use one day to symbolize one year. When the Israelites could not enter Canaan due to unbelief, their sentence of punishment was that they would spend a total of 40 years wandering in the wilderness: one year for each of the 40 days the 12 spies spent spying out the land of Canaan. "According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely forty years" (Numbers 14:34). Prophetic time was also linked to one year for every day within a week. Moses was instructed that the Israelites were to let the Earth, the gardens and vineyards, rest for one year after being farmed for six years. The seventh year was the "Sabbath" rest for the land. During the sabbatical year, no planting or pruning could be done. The people could harvest only that which grew naturally on its own. After seven times of counting out the seven year cycles, the year of Jubilee was announced which was itself a second year of rest after the seventh and last sabbatical. This was the year of Jubilee: 7 x 7 years = 49 years + 1 Jubilee year = the 50 year Jubilee cycle. Like a wheel within a wheel, seven years and seven times seven years measured off the larger cycles of time containing fifty years each. In the count to Pentecost, the Hebrews were also told to count seven full or complete weeks, then add the 50th day to make the count "complete." Seven weeks of seven days each, plus one day, is the count to Pentecost: 7 x 7 = 49 + 1 = 50. The equation of 6 work days + 1 Sabbath rest = 7 days, or one complete week, is what has been referred to by many over the last 2,000 years as the Great Week of Time. Applying this same principle to millennia indicates that there will be six thousand years (six millennia) for the Earth to labor under a burden of sin, while the grand work for the salvation of souls goes on. The seventh millennia, the sabbatical for the Earth to rest, is the one thousand years in heaven when the saints judge the wicked dead. Scripture reveals that after the second coming of Yahushua, (Revelation 19:11-16), Satan is bound to this earth for 1,000 years. (See Revelation 20:1-3.(4)) During this thousand years when the Earth rests, the saints are in heaven with their Redeemer, judging the wicked dead. (Revelation 20:4.) At the end of the 1000 year sabbatical, the wicked are raised to receive their punishment with Satan in the lake of fire until they are fully consumed and eternal death, not eternal torment, is their reward for treason against the government of heaven. (Revelation 20:5-10, 12-14; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.) The foundation for the Great Week of Time was laid in Genesis when, at the time of the flood, Yahuwah decreed: "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years" (Genesis 6:3). This is much more than just the years Noah preached about a coming flood. This reveals that the total amount of time the Spirit of Yahuwah would strive with men, seeking to win them to repentance, would be a total of 6,000 years. Before the flood, life spans were almost 1,000 years. After the flood, the average lifespan rapidly decreased until Moses could say, "The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away" (Psalm 90:1). Neither before the flood nor after was the standard lifespan 120 years. Rather, when applied to Jubilee cycles, Yahuwah's statement in Genesis reveals that there would be a total of 6,000 years for sin to run its course! 120 (Man's days) x 50 (Jubilee cycle) 6,000 years of probationary time To find the end, the beginning must first be located. The Bible tells us where to start. Calculating the Biblical Years From the writings of Enoch to the present, people have added up the years of Biblical time to understand how much longer it will be until the end of the time granted to mankind. To find the end, the beginning must first be established. Now, at the end of Earth's history, the Creator is revealing His divine time design. It is both a warning and an encouragement to the last generation. Bible scholars and lovers of truth the world over have, for hundreds and hundreds of years, studied the prophecies, chronologies and large time spans given in scripture. Current religious conditions, political corruption, national and personal economic hardship, social upheaval and environmental catastrophes are all warnings of coming change. People everywhere are awakening to the fact that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. People want to know when time and life as they know it will end. It seems that everyone, both religious and secular, recognize that we are fast approaching the end of the world as we know it. This study will first use the Bible as it records the beginning of years, then add in the time of secular recorded history from 536 B.C. on to the present to calculate the age of the Earth. Opinions differ on whether Adam measured his age from Creation or the start of sin. Some chronologists choose sin because time is not important when one expects to live forever. Others choose Creation because the sun was to measure years and certainly Adam would have understood time and the cycle of years. However, it really does not matter. Either way makes no difference in the overall count. Genesis 5:3 states that Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. This begins the first method of counting: adding the age of each generation at the time the first son was born. The Bible gives a long list of "begats" that list the age of each patriarch at the birth of his first son. This count, beginning with Adam, continues past the flood down to Jacob. This is the first time period, 1656 years, to which other distinct periods will be added until the year of transfer to time as recorded in secular sources in 536 B.C. is reached. There are two methods used to count the age of the Earth: Anno Mundi is a Latin term for counting from the beginning, numbering 1, 2, 3, and on forward in time from Adam. B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (anno domini, or, the year of our Lord) which counts backwards (B.C.) and forwards (A.D.) from the time of the Messiah. (Ussher's Chronology mistakenly placed His birth in A.D. 1.) Both methods yield the same count. (Scripture also gives ages for many people that will not be counted in this study because they are not in the lineage of the Messiah.) The following chart shows the patriarchs' ages: At birth of first born son Age at death Accumulated years from Adam in Anno Mundi time, counting forward from the beginning. It is most interesting to see the age relationships. Lamech, the father of Noah, could and probably did, talk to Adam. Abram most likely talked to Noah and Shem as they lived in the same general area before Abram journeyed away from his kinfolk in Ur of the Chaldees. There are seven distinct time periods that track the number of years from Adam down to 536 B.C. History from 536 B.C. on is firmly established in archeological and written records, so that particular year is used as the transition year between Biblically recorded time and secular time. The following chart shows these time periods using the B.C. method of counting backwards from the time of the Messiah. The first time period goes from Adam to the flood. The flood did not last a year, only forty days. Noah and his family did stay in the ark for a year, but that year is counted and calculated into the ages of Noah and his sons, and listed from the beginning of the flood, not after. The second time period starts at the beginning of the year of the flood and counts 391 years to the covenant made with Abram by the additional "begats." Controversy has existed over the age of Terah at the birth of his triplets. The Bible says "And Terah lived seventy years and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran" (Genesis 11:26). Therefore, 70 years will be used. Scholars have also debated which event in Abraham's life should begin the count of the 430 years of the covenant promise to bring his descendants, the Israelites, out of Egypt. The Bible gives the answer. "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him, . . . This is my covenant which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised." Genesis 17:1,10. Abraham was age 99 when the covenant that began the 430 years started. A covenant is always between two parties and must be ratified or accepted. Circumcision was the method the Creator chose for Abraham to demonstrate his acceptance by his own blood. This places the Exodus firmly at 1512 B.C. From the Exodus until the reign of Solomon was another 476 years. The reigns of the kings can be confusing because the Hebrew year began in the spring but did not change the year number count until the fall when the regnal year began. (A "regnal" year is simply the date from which a king's reign is counted.) This problem is solved by either rounding up or rounding down. As long as the same method is always used the count will be the same. Solomon reigned for 40 years and then the kingdom was divided for another 390 years. Judah went into captivity in 606 B.C. and was held for the 70 years that were determined upon the Hebrew people in the prophesy given to Daniel. When these seven time periods are added together, the total equals 3453 years. Adding the 536 years of secular time that reaches from the end of the Babylonian 70-year captivity down to the year 1 B.C., equals 3989 total years. This gives a beginning date for Adam's creation, or sin, of 3989 B.C. 3453 (total of seven time periods given in Scripture) + 536 (secular time from extra-biblical sources for release from captivity) 3989 B.C. The final step is to subtract the 3989 from the 6000 year total probationary time. One year must also be added to accommodate for the change between B.C. and A.D. time counts. This is only a mathematical correction. Dating goes directly from 1 B.C. to A.D. 1. There should have been a year 0 between the years counted as 1. In conclusion, most people are familiar with the numbering system of James Ussher, Anglican Archbishop of Armagh, who wrote a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated from a literal reading of the Bible. His year numbering is used in the King James Version of the Bible for any dates found there. Following is a chart showing just where this chronology differs from Ussher. It will be observed that there is very little difference between the two. For further information and a detailed explanation on these time calculations, as well as time frame comparisons, please download "The 7000-Year Bible Chronology." This power point study describes how the time segments have been calculated and compares segments of time with each other. While the power point study is quite lengthy, the research is extremely interesting and invaluable for understanding this important topic. The total time calculation of 6,000 years reaches from Adam at 3989 B.C. to the year 2012. Since the year count begins in the fall, the 6,000th year, 2012, does not end until the fall of 2013, at the time of the fall Feasts. The year itself must be lived through to reach the 6,000-year ending mark. The next millennium would not begin until the end of that last year in the fall of 2013. The time allotted for mankind would not end until all of the 6,000 years had been lived out. If additional time is granted the world for repentance and the acceptance of Yahuwah's invitation to accept the sacrifice of His Son, Yahushua's gift of eternal life, it would be short at best. Any additional time of grace is far from assured. After the fall of 2013, every additional day granted by Yahuwah should be regarded as living on borrowed time. The righteous and the wicked will still be living upon the Earth in their mortal state
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Year 2012 End Of The World ( Conspiracy And Government Cover-Ups Or Myth ?)
There has been a lot of interest in the Year 2012 and the End of the world. Hollywood released a blockbuster back in 2009 titled 2012 that was based on the Mayan Calendar that abruptly ends on the21st of December, 2012. But what of this ending, and what does that mean for mankind? Is it a catastrophic end to the planet Earth or does it simply mean the end of the world as we know it? The Mayans predicted throughout our history times of drought, flood and political unrest. The ending of the calendar on the 21st of December 2012 is thought to have two different interpretations. One interpretation is that it will be a shift in the human psyche and we will have a global spiritual change, where the Earth as we know it now will cease to exist and a new Earth will evolve where racial divides are no longer evident, and world peace is possible. The other line of thought away from a Spiritual Awakening in the year 2012, is that the Earth will encounter an Apocalyptic situation and all life on Earth will be destroyed. Scientist have also explored this scenario, and a popular line of thought is that the north and south pole will "flip" due to the Earth being ( for the first time in 25,000 years) completely in line with the Milky Ways equator. The Earth and the Sun will "wobble" slightly due to the magnetic poles being disrupted and ultimately "flip" whereby the North pole will be the South and vice versa. Human life will not be able to survive in such a dramatic course of events. Information about the course of events leading up to the date of December 2012 will give various doomsday warnings, most citing that we are not likely to survive such a polar shift. Other information claims that there is a meteor that is "hiding" behind the sun that is destined to hit Earth at the same time. Whatever the scenario, being informed and up to date with what is likely to happen, what is just not possible and how it will affect you and your family is paramount at this time. Learn the REAL TRUTH by visiting 2012 End Of World Predicition . It will answer the myths and conspiracy theories, and give you accurate up to the minute information on what can be done for you to safe guard your family. Can you afford to not know? Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1963087) Need more traffic? No problem. Publish with us and see why everyone's talking about Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.
Friday, 25 March 2011
2012 End Of The World Theory ( What The Government And Nasa Aren't Telling You)
You are most likely familiar with the movie and book 2012 that exploits the End of the world theory. But does this theory have more truth behind it than a Hollywood blockbuster, or are we really just being taken for a Nostradamus ride? The Mayan were a civilization that developed a calendar that dates back to the 6th century BC. Strangely this calendar abruptly ends on the 21st of December 2012. ( or on the 23rd of December- depending on which interpretation you subscribe to) Lets look at what the Mayans may have been telling us and whether it can be backed by science. The Mayans were superior when it came to mathematics and astronomy. Their calendar was later adapted and can be seen as a basis for many modern day almanacs and calendars. Predictions on drought, fire and flood along with political unrest are spotted throughout the Mayan calendar. But, what is the meaning behind the abrupt end point of December 21st 2012. Rather than take a cynical route lets look into the theory that it could mean an end to all the unrest the world has encountered over hundreds of years. An end to racist divide, an end to poverty and hunger an end to a lack of spirituality even. Some have interpreted the end of the Mayan calendar as meaning that the human population will encounter a new Spiritual Awakening that will transform all thoughts that have plagued the human psyche up until this point. Whilst the transformation of human thoughts to being that of Spiritual Enlightenment would be far preferable, there is a strong scientific theory about what is likely to happen in the Year 2012. This will mark the first time in over 25,000 years that the planet Earth will align perfectly with the middle of the Milky Ways equator. This is a huge shift in magnetic powers and some say will have devastating effects on the planet Earth. Earth wobbles and tilts by nature to the magnetic forces that surround it, obviously ever so gently as we are mostly unaware of any such movement. However, some scientists believe that this alignment with the Milky Way will have catastrophic repercussions on the Earths poles and will essentially "flip" the North pole on its end to the South - and obviously vice versa for the South Pole. With such conflicting theories how do we go about educating ourselves as to what is the correct one? I have researched long and hard on the subject as I am keenly interested in astronomy, and I also have a family. I struggled with the thought: How do I protect my family from a devastating event happening, when I know in advance that it is likely to happen? I found the most in depth reports on Government breaches and where the well meaning experts got it wrong. How swine flu and other pandemics are directly related to what will happen in 2012 and what can be done to ensure you and your family are safe and can thrive in the wake of this life changing event. You owe it to yourself to get educated on the subject, there are too many facts that tell us that it is something that cannot and will not be avoided by anyone on the planet. It's not all doom and gloom, get your free report now. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1963072) Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
End Of The World 2012 December ( Government Cover-Up Or Myth?)
Mayan Calendars predict the End of the World, in December, 2012 . The Mayan calendar is a system of calendars and almanacs used by the Mayan civilization, dating back to at least the 6th Century B.C The calendar is set to end on the 21st of December and many believe this is when the Earth will end. December 21, 2012 will be the most important date for all of Humanity. The ancient Mayans created the Long Count calandar to mark this date as the beginning of a new cycle for Mankind. Why are some people are calling 2012 "Doomsday" and the end of the world ...As we know it! Don't believe the Nay-Sayers... Learn the Real Truth about 2012. Learn the real truth about Goverment Coverups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know... Learn how you can help turn what many believe to be the darkest period in history into the most enlightened. The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? Unearth the truth about "The Fifth Age Of Man" and whether 2012 is an ending... or a much needed new beginning for us all. One of the reasons some people believe that December 2012 will bring about the end of the world is because scientists say that we are moving across the middle of the Milky Way. What happens during this time is there is an alignment that's occurring because Earth does this little tilt and a little wobble over long periods of time. Scientists have published this openly that the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a very powerful source of magnetic energy. The term they use is "magnetic filiments" that radiate from the center of our Milky Way. On December 21st in the year 2012, we have a straight shot--a linear shot, unobstructed by any other planets or any other bodies in the solar system--where we have direct access to that field of energy. When we look into our past, and the greatest way to do this Scientifically is to examine the icy cores taken from our north and south poles, we can see the dates that are the fractals or the seed patterns for 2012, they tell us that in those dates the magnetic fields of the Earth becomes weaker. The Vatican has built two earth based telescopes (Vulcan and Vatt) and is currently about launch their own space based telescope so they can view Nibiru as it approaches. SETI, NASA and several other space organizations around the world have been monitoring Nibiru's travel via telescopes in Antarctica. Bible Scripture describes a war in the latter days in the middle east. One that we are involved in. Something will happen that will cause the flesh to melt off the bones and the eyes out of the sockets. The Catholic church is only supposed to have 1 more POPE before 2012. The Bible, in the Book of Revelation, tells of how the end of our time ends and the next begins. Money, Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver all will be worthless. The Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas all used the same calendar that ends in our Gregorian calendar year of December 21st, 2012. The fate of these civilizations is a mystery. Their calendars were turned inside out by the Roman Catholic Church and the Gregorian Calendar made to replace them. It is not a secret that the Earth has experienced some of the strangest and most severe weather occurrences on record, signalling that something is changing our weather patterns. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1962982) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
The End of the World 2012 - True Or False?
This isn't the first "the end of the world" prediction, or catastrophic prediction, like Y2K, bonking us over the head. As humans, our lives can get heavy with news of worldly information, especially negative information. Though we're a very smart bunch of big-brained people, when you compile all this news and information, the build-up of the end of the world paranoia and fear can add up to overwhelming proportions. In addition, some of us gain pleasure from fanatical information that creates a big buzz and sends a frenzy of fear and sometimes sheer panic within the collective minds of huge populations of normally sane, relatively positive people. It is easy to see that the end of the world 2012 prediction theory has very strong potential for major reactive thinking. Reacting to ideas or beliefs, whether good or bad, have powerful consequences. It's been scientifically proven: When a belief is fortified with strong emotion, incredible results occur. For example, under strong emotional convincing, an ice-cube will burn skin, the mind will actually produce a burn on the skin. These types of experiences have been documented over and over again. The question that needs answering is how do we control this type of information? Potentially the end of the world 2012 theory can cause some serious damage, like a financial recession where everyone tightens up their purse strings thus magnifying the idea that a lack of money is looming like an unstoppable black cloud of limitation, when most of us instinctively know that wealth and prosperity surround us in every form, at all times. Beliefs and expectations are powerful. The images of the 2012 end of the world nightmare are very convincing: The earth opening up and swallowing entire cities: The climate suddenly exploding into an evil storm of darkness and all other visions of absolute destruction. And the reasons for this destruction seem to be focused on us, as if we all missed the boat and lived so sinfully that god or nature has made some conscious choice to viciously end everything, to cleanse and clarify our "sinful" lifestyles and end the world. On the other hand, some of us take a totally different view. For example, let's consider the fundamental law of cause and effect. Is it not absolutely true that for every action there is an equal reaction? This can be understood as a perfect law. You could reasonably say that "evil" does not exist because everything that happens is a perfect reflection of simple laws of nature. In other words, if something happens it must therefore be natural or it couldn't possibly happen. Does a frog desire to be a famous opera singer? We could all agree that would be, for lack of a better word, "evil." If you struck a C-chord on a perfectly tuned musical instrument and the sound came out as an F-chord, would the hairs on the back of your neck not stand up? Of course the above scenarios could never happen because the natural world would not survive for more than an instant if fundamental laws of the universe behaved so unlawfully. Everything from the slightest mathematical formula would collapse in a micro-second and life would cease to exist faster than the blink of an eye. Will the end of the world 2012 happen...? Good question. Will the world end next Tuesday? Anything is possible. What do YOU think? Richard Woolsey is an Internet Marketing Expert and Humanitarian With Strong Beliefs in Helping Social Issues such as,Solar Energy Products and roof insulation technology. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #4348479) Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! HayiManso - About the Author:
2012: End of the World?
Well the Mayan Calender says so and so does the I Ching! Are you sure about that? If you believe in 2012: End of the World because of the Time Wave, maybe you should know the facts. Just because some guy strung out on psychadelic drugs says that the I Ching agrees with the Mayan Long Count calender end date means absolutely nothing. In fact, the I Ching is not a calendar, nor was it ever used as one. Why would someone concoct a reason to force two ancient and well known systems for opposite uses to have the same ending date? An excellent question! Does the Maya’s ancient Long Count calendar really predict the end of the world? You will be very interested in learning that every webpage, magazine and television show that has created a great deal of hubbub about this end of the Mayan Long Count uses the Aztec Sun Stone as their imagery. Why are they all showing you the wrong artifact while telling you that 2012: End of the World is coming? Niburu is coming back and will collide with Earth smashing it in half. Yes, that’s what a lot of Sumerian crazed followers are claiming. There is a great deal of support for this said missing planet’s reappearance in our solar system. However, no where is there a prediction or prophecy that Niburu is coming back and its arrival is coinciding with 2012: End of the World. One thing of note, an odd disturbance is going on out there beyond our realm of sight that is causing Pluto to behave rather oddly. So is the real Planet X, a.k.a. Niburu at this moment getting ready to plunge toward Earth? What about the Hopi Indians and their legends of prophecy for the next age? Did they predict this year 2012 end of the world too? First of all, these are not just the Hopi people’s legends, actually the Hopi are the record keepers for all of the brother tribes. That would be all North American Indian tribes and people. The Blue Star Kachina is coming. When he dances in the plaza for all the people to see, things will not bode well for Earth will rock to and fro like the shaking of a child who has been misbehaving. Do the Hopi agree with the Mayan predictions for Year 2012: End of the World? It agrees with our current Mayan age of man ending on a Day of Movement as their Long Count calendar does. This age of humanity began with major disrupting movement on the planet, and will end with the same kind of events. Then there are the Inca predictions too. None of this stuff is in the Bible, so it can’t possibly be true! You might want to read the book from cover to cover again. No, the bible doesn’t state, Year 2012: End of the World. If you read it with your mind open and your television silenced, you might just realize that it says a great deal more now than the last time you read it. Maybe you just weren’t paying attention to what the verses were trying to tell you in an ancient tongue, with limited knowledge. So exactly what does it say that agrees with these other predictions and prophecies? "For then shall be great tribulations such as not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, none ever shall be." Matthew 24:21 Not since the beginning of the world to this time. That would definitely give credence to this being the 4th age of man for the Mayas and the 4th world for the Hopi. There is even a verse in the Bible that states that at the end of times, the world will 'shake to and fro'. The man on the white horse who arrives in Revelations 19:11? He is the same figure as Kalki from the Hindu puranas. Both of whom come to cleanse the world in the end of days and wearing white robes with sword at ready. What about Merlin, Nostradamus and The Web Bot? What about the crop circle predictions and polar shift? What about all the other things you haven’t a clue are being said. What things are true as opposed to which ones are disinformation? You really don’t have any time to waste, December 21, 2012 is only months away, not decades. Something this life altering is best to approach it with your mind and eyes wide open. If 2012: End of the World is real, what are you really going to do about your future or the future of your loved ones? Do you really want to just accept what everyone else thinks, or would you rather to be able to decide for yourself what is fact, what is fiction and what you mean to do about all of it? You won't find answers in a blockbuster movie or on the television screen. You can't harness the power of your mind if it is hooked up to the programmer. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1210985) Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Dree Lyons - About the Author: History has always fascinated Dree Lyons. As a professional writer her accidental interest in the 2012 phenomenon led her to investigate far beyond the fringe. A fascinating and alarming topic with more twists, turns and kinks than you can imagine. Don't click this link if you don't want to know the truth.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Why is 2012 the end of the world
Many people have often asked me Why is 2012 the end of the world and many times I have had to explain to them that it's really not as easy to explain as they might think, sure many people out there like to talk about one specific thing or another but the truth of the matter regarding the question why is 2012 the end of the world is that it is a multi faceted issue. If you want to truly start to solve this question for yourself you have to take into account many aspects of modern human society from geopolitics, spiritual concepts, scientific facts and of course philosophy because only by looking at the situation from all angles and areas of mental discipline can we truly start to speculate on genuine possibilities as to why is 2012 the end of the world. Take for example the political level, not only have we seen great turmoil in our not so distant past in the forms of tyrannical governments and despots, but we see growing tension all over the world even today especially in regards to Americas involvement in the middle east where a prolonged war has brought nothing but unnecessary death for our soldiers and the loss of freedoms and liberties for us civilians left at home in western countries. This growing political tensions, even in this particular example could give us insight as to why is 2012 the end of the world because the implications of these wars involves the whole world, and given the fact that it is well documented we are involved in these wars based on the lie of the US investigation forces allegedly finding "weapons of mass destruction" one can't help but wonder what the real objective of invading the middle eastern countries is? Liberty? Or is it something more? Now if we add in the nuclear option that the American forces have on the table, especially in recent times concerning the potential invasion of Iran, this gives us a platform for the down to earth aspect of why is 2012 the end of the world. But of course the topic doesn't end on the geopolitical level, there is the spiritual level also to keep in mind, this in particular is also equally important as the very nature of each and every one of our lives is directly impacted by it, we are infinite consciousness living souls, who by the whim of those that would control us have had our infinite potential suppressed by those that have controlled or at the very least drastically influenced mankind for hundreds if not thousands of years. The ancient Mayan civilization was highly advanced, in some ways more than we are today, they had keen astronomers who tracked the movements of the celestial bodies in the heavens and they used this information to predict what they believed would happen in the future, And whilst it is true that most of their predictions based on the movements of the stars was used for simple day to day purposes there were things that they documented, alignments of stars that would have a specific impact on humans during that time, this gives us more of a platform as to answer why is 2012 the end of the world when we dive further into the subject as I shall right now. We have briefly discussed the geopolitical and spiritual level of the situation, but what about the scientific? Well it may interest you to know my fellow truth seeker that recently it was discovered by geologists contracted by the national geographic society that they found magnetic residue in rock deposits in both Finland and Australia that suggested earth had gone through dramatic changes in the past that affected the weather and as a result changed the physical geography of the planet forever, whilst it was a slow change and not dramatic in some apocalyptic scenario, what's important about this is to point out, that events in the solar system abroad, even small, can affect the planet as a whole and thus you and I But this on its own still doesn't give us too much insight as to why is 2012 the end of the world, so with these brief few topics that I have touched on lets draw them together and connect the dots as they say, we have mounting political tension all over the globe causing depression and angst, this subsequently then impacts on us everyday people on a spiritual level as we are dragged down by the fear and anger that is propagated to us via the mainstream media, and then we know that scientific changes have occurred in the past that could alter the planet… Well is there the option that a nuclear war may indeed create the outcome of 2012, is this the answer as to why is 2012 the end of the world, it's certainly a possibility, these people that control us, these "illuminati" that have kept us in the dark for centuries, have always tried to make the individual man feel powerless when in fact it is completely the opposite, and by doing so they feed of the negative energy they create in humans to serve their own sadistic needs in an attempt to stop the spiritual liberation that is on offer as we enter into a new age. There is of course the other astronomical evidence that has been suggested by many influential scientists, one in particular a Mr. Michio Kaku who is a theoretical physicist and based on the available data we have in regards to mass coronal ejections (large solar flares) has analyzed and discovered that not only have mass solar flares affected the planet in the past, but that if one was to occur in our time it could potentially knock out all satellites, electricity, computers and all modern devices, rending security systems of sensitive things such as nuclear weapons and other unknown devices vulnerable and unprotected, not to mention what could happen if god forbid it actually started a chain reaction and set these things off... Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #2773682) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Virtus J Armani - About the Author: As I said right at the start, when trying to answer the question why is 2012 the end of the world you really have to do your homework in all areas, at least a little, and as I've always been interested in the hidden or the unknown I strive to do that, and I would encourage you to do so as well if you're ready to get serious about these subjects, a great hand guide that I'm sure will help you is 2012 Contact , its proven itself time and time again to me as a great quick "go to" reference guide. Because of the knowledge I learned I was able to not only continue my studies further with a wider understanding of what was really going on, but also have a valuable tool when trying to explain the situation to others when they asked me that simple yet complex question why is 2012 the end of the world, seriously folks, check it out, its invaluable 2012 Contact
Saturday, 19 March 2011
The End Of The World?
Since the beginning of human history, speculation about the end of the world has fascinated mankind. Myths and stories about the end of the earth exist in almost every religion and culture ever known. And yet, somehow, men seem unsatisfied with the answers they receive. They turn to Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or ancient Hindu writings hoping to uncover some modicum of truth that will satisfy their innate desire to know something about the future and the ultimate fate of the world. Never has mankind's fascination with the end been more prevalent than it is today. Fears of global warming saturate the news media. Worry over a nuclear holocaust persists into its sixth decade. And storylines of asteroids, comets, aliens, or bio-engineered super-diseases wiping out all planetary life continue to dominate the themes of many Hollywood blockbusters. Throughout the world, people are plagued with the same recurring questions. Will the human race become extinct? Will nuclear war or global warming destroy the biosphere? Will the world as we know it continue to exist? The answer to these questions and many others concerning the end of the world are not found in the writings of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or any other self-professed psychic. But they can be found in the Bible, which has a track record of 100% accuracy when it comes to future events. What the Bible Says According to the bible, the earth is eternal. So despite what some people say, we shouldn't worry about the earth itself being destroyed. However, throughout the ages, the nature of the earth has changed, and it will change again in the near future. The Book of Genesis teaches that God created the earth and everything in it to be perfect. However, the nature of the earth changed when Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. This act prompted God to place a curse on the earth, and it radically transformed the nature of the earth itself. Several centuries later, the human race had become so corrupt that God decided to destroy it with a flood. However, God spared Noah and his family, allowing them to repopulate the earth of the present day. Throughout these changes, the earth as a creation has remained intact. But its nature has been radically altered twice. The bible teaches that it will soon be altered third time, and this time, the result will be far different from the previous ages. The New World Verses throughout the bible point to the creation of a new earth. This shouldn't be viewed as an entirely new physical creation by God. Rather it should be viewed as a highly transformative process whereby the current earth is reshaped by the hand of God to create a different world. The prophet Isaiah described this process over two thousand years ago: "Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth - so wonderful that no one will even think about the old ones anymore. Be glad; rejoice forever in my creation! And look! I will create Jerusalem as a place of happiness. Her people will be a source of joy. I will rejoice in Jerusalem and delight in my people. And the sound of weeping and crying will be heard no more." Isaiah 65:17-19 (NLT) The nature of the present earth will change dramatically. It will be transformed from a place of sadness and weeping to a place of intense happiness, where "the sound of weeping and crying will be heard no more." The creation of this new earth is also mentioned by Peter who encourages us to live our lives in accordance with God's will. He encourages us to do so, because he knows this present age will soon pass: "And God has also commanded that the heavens and the earth will be consumed by fire on the day of judgment, when ungodly people will perish." 2 Peter 3:7 (NLT) "But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and everything in them will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be exposed to judgment." 2 Peter 3:10 (NLT) "Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living! You should look forward to that day and hurry it along - the day when God will set the heavens on fire and the elements will melt away in the flames. But we are looking forward to the new heavens and the new earth he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God." 2 Peter 3:11-13 (NLT) From these passages, it is clear that God will one day use fire to create a new earth from the present world. It will be dramatically different from the one in which we live. But how different? What will the new earth look like? The bible provides us with a vivid illustration. What Will the Future Earth Look Like? The Book of Isaiah contains a wealth of information on the nature, quality, and characteristics of the new earth. One of the first references is found in Chapter 11: "In that day, the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard and the goat will be at peace. Calves and yearlings will be safe among lions, and a little child will lead them all. The cattle will graze among bears. Cubs and calves will lie down together. And lions will eat grass as the livestock do. Babies will crawl safely among poisonous snakes. Yes, a little child will put its hand in a nest of deadly snakes and pull it out unharmed. Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain. And as the waters fill the sea, so the earth will be filled with people who know the Lord." Isaiah 11:6-9 (NLT) God will finally lift the curse He placed on the earth following the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. This curse created a conflict between the animal kingdom and mankind with many humans killing animals and many animals killing humans. But on the new earth, "nothing will hurt or destroy." And the number of people who know the Lord will be as endless as the waters in the sea. Isaiah continues his description in Chapter 65: "No longer will babies die when only a few days old. No longer will adults die before they have lived a full life. No longer will people be considered old at one hundred! Only sinners will die that young! In those days, people will live in the houses they build and eat the fruit of their own vineyards. It will not be like the past, when invaders took the houses and confiscated the vineyards. For my people will live as long as trees and will have time to enjoy their hard-won gains. They will not work in vain, and their children will not be doomed to misfortune. For they are people blessed by the Lord, and their children, too, will be blessed. I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! The wolf and lamb will feed together. The lion will eat straw like the ox. Poisonous snakes will strike no more. In those days, no one will be hurt or destroyed on my holy mountain. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Isaiah 65:20-25 (NLT) Babies will not die, and the lifespan of the human race will be extended well beyond current expectations. Life expectancy will be so great that the death of a one hundred year old person will be a notable tragedy. People will enjoy the fruits of their labor without fear that someone will come and steal what they have. The people of the new earth will be so close to God that He will answer their prayers before they have even prayed them! Animals who are natural enemies in our age will become friends on the new earth, and all the animals of the earth will be herbivores. On the new earth, Jerusalem will be the center of the world. It will be the dwelling place of the Lord, and people from every nation will travel to Jerusalem to worship and to have their disputes settled. War will no longer exist. Because of this, armies and weapons will no longer exist. The Lord will settle all disputes, and the people will devote the energy they previously expended on war to prosperous living and worship of the Lord. Peace and prosperity will be abundant, and there will be nothing to fear. Knowing what we now know about the new earth, who would not want to live there? Unfortunately, the bible also tells us that many will turn down their invitation to this blessed new world. The only way to get there will be to place one's trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, who will be the undisputed ruler of the new earth. When Will This Future World Arrive? Because the new earth is the creation of Jesus Christ, it will not arrive until after His Glorious Appearing. In the interim, many politicians, idealists, and others will conjure their own ideas of how to create such a world. But placing faith in any of these people or their schemes will only lead to disappointment. For the bible is clear that the new earth will only arrive when God comes to physically dwell among His people: "I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, 'Look, the home of God is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will remove all of their sorrows, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. For the old world and its evils are gone forever.'" Revelation 21:3-4 (NLT) When God dwells among men, the earth will no longer harbor death or sorrow or crying or pain. It will be a new world. The old world will have come to an end - its evils gone forever. Conclusion Those who worry about the end of the world or live in fear of a great worldwide catastrophe are not living their lives in accordance with God. For God tells us to live boldly and without fear of the things of this world: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT) Don't worry about global warming or a nuclear holocaust. Don't live in fear of a worldwide pandemic or asteroids or comets or aliens or massive volcanoes. The Lord is in control of everything, and He has already revealed what will happen to this present age. He will usher in the end of the world and transform the earth into his own dwelling place. Therefore, if we are to have fear of anything, it should be the Lord Himself. The prophet Isaiah agrees: "Do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else." Isaiah 8:13 (NLT) Jesus reminds His disciples of this command while teaching them not to fear persecution: "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill you. They can only kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28 (NLT) In short, don't fear the end of this world. Celebrate it. Christ is coming. And when He arrives, He will eliminate all the evils of this world, including our fear and worry. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #315362) Need more traffic? No problem. Publish with us and see why everyone's talking about Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Britt Gillette - About the Author: Britt Gillette is author of BrittGillette.Com, a website studying the links between bible prophecy and advanced technology. To learn more about bible prophecy and the end of the world, visit his site.
End of the World 2012
Among the many questions that bombard the internet, one of them is how will the world end in 2012? While there have been a lot of speculations the end of the world 2012, there have been lots of predictions indicating that the year 2012 is a special year and that December 21, 2012 is going to be one significant day in our history. Researchers have found numerous things to be as interesting yet perplexing. Such as, why do most of the prophecies discovered point to 2012? That’s when I found this article at and afterwards, the new question was what will happen after 2012? And how will you survive? But before proceeding, it is important to see what impact the past had on the future. Nostradamus’ Reputation for Prediction. When anything Nostradamus has predicted is discussed by the media, the information draws world wide attention. It is known by everyone that when Nostradamus speaks, stuff begins to happen. Nostradamus’ predictions are at times so accurate, it is terrifying. He has pinpointed new world leaders and many major events throughout history for centuries following his life. Nostradamus predicted the events of September 11, 2001. Yet, the destruction of the World Trade Center surprised and horrified the population. 2. The Mayan Calendar, Is it accurate? If the world is going to end, we can safely assume that such an event will be terrifying and horrific. After all, the Mayans and the I-Ching oracle were horrified about the astronomical predictions thousands of years ago. They knew they wouldn’t be around to experience the events of December 21, 2012. We on the other hand will all have a front row seat. The one guide to survival that I found was at and this source had wealth of information. 3. Merlin’s Prediction Merlin’s predictions are alarmingly in agreement with the doom predicted by the Mayans. What was it that the Mayans found that was so horrifying about December 12, 2012? The rising sun on that date will line up perfectly with the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Current astronomical scientists agree with the Mayan’s astronomy predictions. 4. Hopi Indians’ History Like the Mayans, the Hopi have also always known that there were previous histories; other peoples who lived on planet Earth. Each of the preceding 3 worlds that called this planet home all made the same mistakes that humanity of this current creation have. The inhabitants of Earth have all misused technology and disconnected themselves from nature. When these civilizations refused to change, the Earth was destroyed. First the cleansing of our planet came by massive earthquakes; second by the Ice Age; third by the Great Flood. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1764633) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! 2012 - About the Author: Please Visit for more information and find answers to some of your other unanswered questions. So, now that you know that the end of the world 2012 is coming, will you be ready?
Thursday, 17 March 2011
2012: End of the World?
Well the Mayan Calender says so and so does the I Ching! Are you sure about that? If you believe in 2012: End of the World because of the Time Wave, maybe you should know the facts. Just because some guy strung out on psychadelic drugs says that the I Ching agrees with the Mayan Long Count calender end date means absolutely nothing. In fact, the I Ching is not a calendar, nor was it ever used as one. Why would someone concoct a reason to force two ancient and well known systems for opposite uses to have the same ending date? An excellent question! Does the Maya’s ancient Long Count calendar really predict the end of the world? You will be very interested in learning that every webpage, magazine and television show that has created a great deal of hubbub about this end of the Mayan Long Count uses the Aztec Sun Stone as their imagery. Why are they all showing you the wrong artifact while telling you that 2012: End of the World is coming? Niburu is coming back and will collide with Earth smashing it in half. Yes, that’s what a lot of Sumerian crazed followers are claiming. There is a great deal of support for this said missing planet’s reappearance in our solar system. However, no where is there a prediction or prophecy that Niburu is coming back and its arrival is coinciding with 2012: End of the World. One thing of note, an odd disturbance is going on out there beyond our realm of sight that is causing Pluto to behave rather oddly. So is the real Planet X, a.k.a. Niburu at this moment getting ready to plunge toward Earth? What about the Hopi Indians and their legends of prophecy for the next age? Did they predict this year 2012 end of the world too? First of all, these are not just the Hopi people’s legends, actually the Hopi are the record keepers for all of the brother tribes. That would be all North American Indian tribes and people. The Blue Star Kachina is coming. When he dances in the plaza for all the people to see, things will not bode well for Earth will rock to and fro like the shaking of a child who has been misbehaving. Do the Hopi agree with the Mayan predictions for Year 2012: End of the World? It agrees with our current Mayan age of man ending on a Day of Movement as their Long Count calendar does. This age of humanity began with major disrupting movement on the planet, and will end with the same kind of events. Then there are the Inca predictions too. None of this stuff is in the Bible, so it can’t possibly be true! You might want to read the book from cover to cover again. No, the bible doesn’t state, Year 2012: End of the World. If you read it with your mind open and your television silenced, you might just realize that it says a great deal more now than the last time you read it. Maybe you just weren’t paying attention to what the verses were trying to tell you in an ancient tongue, with limited knowledge. So exactly what does it say that agrees with these other predictions and prophecies? "For then shall be great tribulations such as not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, none ever shall be." Matthew 24:21 Not since the beginning of the world to this time. That would definitely give credence to this being the 4th age of man for the Mayas and the 4th world for the Hopi. There is even a verse in the Bible that states that at the end of times, the world will 'shake to and fro'. The man on the white horse who arrives in Revelations 19:11? He is the same figure as Kalki from the Hindu puranas. Both of whom come to cleanse the world in the end of days and wearing white robes with sword at ready. What about Merlin, Nostradamus and The Web Bot? What about the crop circle predictions and polar shift? What about all the other things you haven’t a clue are being said. What things are true as opposed to which ones are disinformation? You really don’t have any time to waste, December 21, 2012 is only months away, not decades. Something this life altering is best to approach it with your mind and eyes wide open. If 2012: End of the World is real, what are you really going to do about your future or the future of your loved ones? Do you really want to just accept what everyone else thinks, or would you rather to be able to decide for yourself what is fact, what is fiction and what you mean to do about all of it? You won't find answers in a blockbuster movie or on the television screen. You can't harness the power of your mind if it is hooked up to the programmer. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1210985) Need more traffic? No problem. Publish with us and see why everyone's talking about Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Dree Lyons - About the Author: History has always fascinated Dree Lyons. As a professional writer her accidental interest in the 2012 phenomenon led her to investigate far beyond the fringe. A fascinating and alarming topic with more twists, turns and kinks than you can imagine. Don't click this link if you don't want to know the truth.
End of the World is Near! Analyzing the Bible Timeline
Apocalypse! Holocaust! Armageddon! The use of these words in the title of a book or movie guarantees interest and sales of any product. Everyone wants to know the future! What is going to happen? People sense today that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. Books and movies focus on end-of-the-world scenarios with vivid catastrophic effects. Precisely what the crisis will be varies based on personal beliefs and speculations. Bible believers expect the second coming of the Messiah, Yahushua, at the end of the world. The events leading up to the second coming have been endlessly questioned, debated and speculated about by countless millions. Speculation, however, is unnecessary. Scripture itself indicates how old the Earth will be at the end of time. Prophetic timelines provide details of events to take place as the Earth itself reaches the fullness of time allotted to it. Knowing the age of the Earth thus provides insight into where we are in the stream of time and how close we are to the final events in Earth's history. There are two basic ways the age of the Earth is calculated: 1) scientifically and, 2) chronologically. Scientists use carbon 14 dating to estimate their many tens of thousands of years. Christians, on the other hand, use the more accurate chronology of the sacred scriptures plus history recorded on papyrus, pottery, stones, etc. The age of the Earth is mathematically easy to determine and very accurate if one believes the scriptures and uses the Bible record just as it reads. The larger and corresponding question is what happens at the end of time. Establishing age can imply an end of that age. The Bible itself has a lot of information regarding what happens as probationary time ends. Too often, however, personal speculation has guessed at Earth's final events rather than using the prophetic time lines, types and anti-types, and the events established and provable by scripture. Today, with computers and information available on the internet, it is possible to determine the age of the world according to the Bible account. The Creator wants His people to know what is coming on the Earth. He urged, "Take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand" (Mark 13:23, NKJV(1)). He further warned, "But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only." (Matthew 24:36) However, believers are clearly instructed to "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming" (Matthew 25:13). If it were not possible to know when the second coming is near, than there would not be so many repeated warnings to watch and be ready. The fact that Yahushua repeatedly urged His followers to watch and be ready, reveals that it is possible to know when the end of the world is near. "See, I have told you beforehand . . . So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the very doors" (Matthew 24:25, 33). Heaven wants people to know the signs of Yahushua's soon return! It was for this very reason that Paul was inspired to write: "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" (I Corinthians 10:11 & 12). An "ensample" is a type: something which is a model or pattern of what is to come in the future. Scripture is full of these types and Paul emphatically states that they were given for the admonition: the warning and instruction, of those who will be living at the end of time. The Biblical books of Daniel and Revelation contain information regarding the end of the world and the pouring out of the Wrath of Yahuwah at the end of time. It is of vital importance that everyone study and understand the significance of the time in which we are living. This year, 5997, (fall of 2009 to fall of 2010, Gregorian solar time), means that the amount of time measured off for the probation of Earth's people is almost over. All should number their days and learn what is coming, and when, in order to be prepared for the second coming of Yahushua. This article will establish from scripture how the age of the Earth can be accurately calculated from the Biblical record. The Great Week of Time The week as a unit of time measurement is introduced in the first chapter of Genesis. The Earth was created in six days and on the seventh day the Creator rested. This format of six days of work plus one of rest has been applied to the time allotted for sin to run its course since the first century A.D.(2). Since the week is made of six work days, the time for Earth's probation is understood to be six thousand years. The Epistle of Barnabas, written circa A.D. 70-131 clearly states: Of the sabbath He speaketh in the beginning of the creation: And God made the works of His hands in six days, and He ended on the seventh day, and rested on it, and He hallowed it. Give heed, children, what this meaneth: He ended in six days. He meaneth this: that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all things to an end; for the day with Him signifieth a thousand years; and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end. And He rested on the seventh day. This He meaneth; when His Son shall come, and shall abolish the time of the Lawless One, and shall judge the ungodly, and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars, then shall He truly rest on the seventh day.(3) Scripture itself supports the interpretation of Creation week as a symbol of the great Week of Time as a total of 7000 years. Adam was told: "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die" (Genesis 2:16,17). Adam did not die the very day he ate forbidden fruit. However, he did die within the first prophetic day of 1,000 years because he died when he was 930 years old. (See Genesis 5:5.) The apostle Peter clearly understood this principle when he stated: "Beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). The Creator intended us to understand the symbol of one day equaling one thousand years. Prophetic time can also use one day to symbolize one year. When the Israelites could not enter Canaan due to unbelief, their sentence of punishment was that they would spend a total of 40 years wandering in the wilderness: one year for each of the 40 days the 12 spies spent spying out the land of Canaan. "According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely forty years" (Numbers 14:34). Prophetic time was also linked to one year for every day within a week. Moses was instructed that the Israelites were to let the Earth, the gardens and vineyards, rest for one year after being farmed for six years. The seventh year was the "Sabbath" rest for the land. During the sabbatical year, no planting or pruning could be done. The people could harvest only that which grew naturally on its own. After seven times of counting out the seven year cycles, the year of Jubilee was announced which was itself a second year of rest after the seventh and last sabbatical. This was the year of Jubilee: 7 x 7 years = 49 years + 1 Jubilee year = the 50 year Jubilee cycle. Like a wheel within a wheel, seven years and seven times seven years measured off the larger cycles of time containing fifty years each. In the count to Pentecost, the Hebrews were also told to count seven full or complete weeks, then add the 50th day to make the count "complete." Seven weeks of seven days each, plus one day, is the count to Pentecost: 7 x 7 = 49 + 1 = 50. The equation of 6 work days + 1 Sabbath rest = 7 days, or one complete week, is what has been referred to by many over the last 2,000 years as the Great Week of Time. Applying this same principle to millennia indicates that there will be six thousand years (six millennia) for the Earth to labor under a burden of sin, while the grand work for the salvation of souls goes on. The seventh millennia, the sabbatical for the Earth to rest, is the one thousand years in heaven when the saints judge the wicked dead. Scripture reveals that after the second coming of Yahushua, (Revelation 19:11-16), Satan is bound to this earth for 1,000 years. (See Revelation 20:1-3.(4)) During this thousand years when the Earth rests, the saints are in heaven with their Redeemer, judging the wicked dead. (Revelation 20:4.) At the end of the 1000 year sabbatical, the wicked are raised to receive their punishment with Satan in the lake of fire until they are fully consumed and eternal death, not eternal torment, is their reward for treason against the government of heaven. (Revelation 20:5-10, 12-14; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.) The foundation for the Great Week of Time was laid in Genesis when, at the time of the flood, Yahuwah decreed: "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years" (Genesis 6:3). This is much more than just the years Noah preached about a coming flood. This reveals that the total amount of time the Spirit of Yahuwah would strive with men, seeking to win them to repentance, would be a total of 6,000 years. Before the flood, life spans were almost 1,000 years. After the flood, the average lifespan rapidly decreased until Moses could say, "The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away" (Psalm 90:1). Neither before the flood nor after was the standard lifespan 120 years. Rather, when applied to Jubilee cycles, Yahuwah's statement in Genesis reveals that there would be a total of 6,000 years for sin to run its course! 120 (Man's days) x 50 (Jubilee cycle) 6,000 years of probationary time To find the end, the beginning must first be located. The Bible tells us where to start. Calculating the Biblical Years From the writings of Enoch to the present, people have added up the years of Biblical time to understand how much longer it will be until the end of the time granted to mankind. To find the end, the beginning must first be established. Now, at the end of Earth's history, the Creator is revealing His divine time design. It is both a warning and an encouragement to the last generation. Bible scholars and lovers of truth the world over have, for hundreds and hundreds of years, studied the prophecies, chronologies and large time spans given in scripture. Current religious conditions, political corruption, national and personal economic hardship, social upheaval and environmental catastrophes are all warnings of coming change. People everywhere are awakening to the fact that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. People want to know when time and life as they know it will end. It seems that everyone, both religious and secular, recognize that we are fast approaching the end of the world as we know it. This study will first use the Bible as it records the beginning of years, then add in the time of secular recorded history from 536 B.C. on to the present to calculate the age of the Earth. Opinions differ on whether Adam measured his age from Creation or the start of sin. Some chronologists choose sin because time is not important when one expects to live forever. Others choose Creation because the sun was to measure years and certainly Adam would have understood time and the cycle of years. However, it really does not matter. Either way makes no difference in the overall count. Genesis 5:3 states that Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. This begins the first method of counting: adding the age of each generation at the time the first son was born. The Bible gives a long list of "begats" that list the age of each patriarch at the birth of his first son. This count, beginning with Adam, continues past the flood down to Jacob. This is the first time period, 1656 years, to which other distinct periods will be added until the year of transfer to time as recorded in secular sources in 536 B.C. is reached. There are two methods used to count the age of the Earth: Anno Mundi is a Latin term for counting from the beginning, numbering 1, 2, 3, and on forward in time from Adam. B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (anno domini, or, the year of our Lord) which counts backwards (B.C.) and forwards (A.D.) from the time of the Messiah. (Ussher's Chronology mistakenly placed His birth in A.D. 1.) Both methods yield the same count. (Scripture also gives ages for many people that will not be counted in this study because they are not in the lineage of the Messiah.) The following chart shows the patriarchs' ages: At birth of first born son Age at death Accumulated years from Adam in Anno Mundi time, counting forward from the beginning. It is most interesting to see the age relationships. Lamech, the father of Noah, could and probably did, talk to Adam. Abram most likely talked to Noah and Shem as they lived in the same general area before Abram journeyed away from his kinfolk in Ur of the Chaldees. There are seven distinct time periods that track the number of years from Adam down to 536 B.C. History from 536 B.C. on is firmly established in archeological and written records, so that particular year is used as the transition year between Biblically recorded time and secular time. The following chart shows these time periods using the B.C. method of counting backwards from the time of the Messiah. The first time period goes from Adam to the flood. The flood did not last a year, only forty days. Noah and his family did stay in the ark for a year, but that year is counted and calculated into the ages of Noah and his sons, and listed from the beginning of the flood, not after. The second time period starts at the beginning of the year of the flood and counts 391 years to the covenant made with Abram by the additional "begats." Controversy has existed over the age of Terah at the birth of his triplets. The Bible says "And Terah lived seventy years and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran" (Genesis 11:26). Therefore, 70 years will be used. Scholars have also debated which event in Abraham's life should begin the count of the 430 years of the covenant promise to bring his descendants, the Israelites, out of Egypt. The Bible gives the answer. "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him, . . . This is my covenant which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised." Genesis 17:1,10. Abraham was age 99 when the covenant that began the 430 years started. A covenant is always between two parties and must be ratified or accepted. Circumcision was the method the Creator chose for Abraham to demonstrate his acceptance by his own blood. This places the Exodus firmly at 1512 B.C. From the Exodus until the reign of Solomon was another 476 years. The reigns of the kings can be confusing because the Hebrew year began in the spring but did not change the year number count until the fall when the regnal year began. (A "regnal" year is simply the date from which a king's reign is counted.) This problem is solved by either rounding up or rounding down. As long as the same method is always used the count will be the same. Solomon reigned for 40 years and then the kingdom was divided for another 390 years. Judah went into captivity in 606 B.C. and was held for the 70 years that were determined upon the Hebrew people in the prophesy given to Daniel. When these seven time periods are added together, the total equals 3453 years. Adding the 536 years of secular time that reaches from the end of the Babylonian 70-year captivity down to the year 1 B.C., equals 3989 total years. This gives a beginning date for Adam's creation, or sin, of 3989 B.C. 3453 (total of seven time periods given in Scripture) + 536 (secular time from extra-biblical sources for release from captivity) 3989 B.C. The final step is to subtract the 3989 from the 6000 year total probationary time. One year must also be added to accommodate for the change between B.C. and A.D. time counts. This is only a mathematical correction. Dating goes directly from 1 B.C. to A.D. 1. There should have been a year 0 between the years counted as 1. In conclusion, most people are familiar with the numbering system of James Ussher, Anglican Archbishop of Armagh, who wrote a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated from a literal reading of the Bible. His year numbering is used in the King James Version of the Bible for any dates found there. Following is a chart showing just where this chronology differs from Ussher. It will be observed that there is very little difference between the two. For further information and a detailed explanation on these time calculations, as well as time frame comparisons, please download "The 7000-Year Bible Chronology." This power point study describes how the time segments have been calculated and compares segments of time with each other. While the power point study is quite lengthy, the research is extremely interesting and invaluable for understanding this important topic. The total time calculation of 6,000 years reaches from Adam at 3989 B.C. to the year 2012. Since the year count begins in the fall, the 6,000th year, 2012, does not end until the fall of 2013, at the time of the fall Feasts. The year itself must be lived through to reach the 6,000-year ending mark. The next millennium would not begin until the end of that last year in the fall of 2013. The time allotted for mankind would not end until all of the 6,000 years had been lived out. If additional time is granted the world for repentance and the acceptance of Yahuwah's invitation to accept the sacrifice of His Son, Yahushua's gift of eternal life, it would be short at best. Any additional time of grace is far from assured. After the fall of 2013, every additional day granted by Yahuwah should be regarded as living on borrowed time. The righteous and the wicked will still be living upon the Earth in their mortal state
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
mayan prediction of the end of the world
There is so much information that is available today about the mayan prediction of the end of the world that I can understand why some researchers into this particular topic sometimes become overwhelmed and confused whilst studying it, this is because the prediction itself is so multi faceted and complex that not only is it not specific to the Mayan civilization itself but it's also not restricted to one area of research or thinking. When I'm discussing the topic of the mayan prediction of the end of the world with people the first thing I always like to point out is that this phrase "end of the world" at least in the context of the Mayan prophecies is not talking about a apocalyptic doomsday scenario that wipes out all life on the planet but rather its speaking of the end of the world as we know it, bringing about change and ushering in a new age that we will live in. However don't misconstrue what I'm saying there, by no means does this indicate that we will not be going through some tough times in the years ahead, you only need look around you every day into our world to realize there is at least some volatility to the mayan prediction of the end of the world. We see it in the form of natural disasters and in the general social makeup of society these days. And it is this aspect of the degradation of our society that I want to speak to right now, because whilst it is true that natural disasters may bring about the end of the world as we know it as foretold in the mayan prediction of the end of the world, what we see if we look around us is that mankind has been so misguided and mislead by both our leaders and each other that we have lost touch with the universe around us, and the affects of this are becoming dangerous for our society. You know you only need to turn on your television to see this, you instantly see channel after channel of mindless garbage designed to warp and alter your mind into a certain way of thinking, people are becoming more violent and even as individuals our thoughts of what is really important in life is being dramatically altered by the false ideology that the corporate media propagates to us. Whilst on the surface this degradation of our society may not appear to tie into the mayan prediction of the end of the world, when we step back and look at it from a different perspective we begin to see quite clearly that it is. Mankind has developed a level of idiocy and ignorance that is border lining on total insanity, we have men and women totally obsessed with the latest fashion, the latest gadgets and trendy things, with a complete disconnect from the natural world around them. Countless children's minds are being altered to buy into this superficial crap and in the long term this can only have the affect of creating a self centered un caring society, with this in mind, as technology progresses do you think that it will be long before as a society we begin to destroy each other in a world war three type situation because our horrible selfishness and greed takes over? Personally I do not. And whilst this is only one specific aspect of the mayan prediction of the end of the world, I particularly think its important because if we as individuals begin to alter our attitudes and ways of thinking, and pass these views on to our children, then at least one of these black scenarios can be avoided and since the nature of our society is completely up to our control I think It is worth taking the time to speak out against the nonsense that is being propagated to our world. The mayan prediction of the end of the world specifically talks about how the people will be ignorant to the changes that are approaching, and that whilst some will become awake and aware in the final days, the vast majority of people will be led like lambs to the slaughter because their souls had been turned black on the inside, Now I'm sure if your reading this right now you are not one of those people, and I'm quite sure you want to do something about it. It was Gandhi who said "be the change you want to see in the world" and this is very important even when talking about the mayan prediction of the end of the world, because even though we are moving into a new age, and yes we are going to experience some very challenging times, on the other side of this will be something so beautiful and fantastic we can only understand it in our dreams. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #2777071) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Virtus J Armani - About the Author: If this is the case, and we know that we are going to go through tremendous earth changes leading up to 2012 and beyond, then if we would only look at our society and do the best to remove the viruses that have infected the minds of our brothers and sisters of earth we could at least diminish the turbulence of what we are about to move through, a fantastic resource I have found in the area of surviving these turbulent times is 2012 Contact and it is truly a god send as a survival guide for 2012. The mayan prediction of the end of the world is vastly approaching and we need to do the best we can as individuals to prepare for all eventualities, if you're looking for a genuine survival guide offering real preparatory solutions then you need to do yourself a favor right now and check out 2012 Contact the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but you can at least make sure you are prepared for the trying times to come.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
The End of the World 2012 - True Or False?
This isn't the first "the end of the world" prediction, or catastrophic prediction, like Y2K, bonking us over the head. As humans, our lives can get heavy with news of worldly information, especially negative information. Though we're a very smart bunch of big-brained people, when you compile all this news and information, the build-up of the end of the world paranoia and fear can add up to overwhelming proportions. In addition, some of us gain pleasure from fanatical information that creates a big buzz and sends a frenzy of fear and sometimes sheer panic within the collective minds of huge populations of normally sane, relatively positive people. It is easy to see that the end of the world 2012 prediction theory has very strong potential for major reactive thinking. Reacting to ideas or beliefs, whether good or bad, have powerful consequences. It's been scientifically proven: When a belief is fortified with strong emotion, incredible results occur. For example, under strong emotional convincing, an ice-cube will burn skin, the mind will actually produce a burn on the skin. These types of experiences have been documented over and over again. The question that needs answering is how do we control this type of information? Potentially the end of the world 2012 theory can cause some serious damage, like a financial recession where everyone tightens up their purse strings thus magnifying the idea that a lack of money is looming like an unstoppable black cloud of limitation, when most of us instinctively know that wealth and prosperity surround us in every form, at all times. Beliefs and expectations are powerful. The images of the 2012 end of the world nightmare are very convincing: The earth opening up and swallowing entire cities: The climate suddenly exploding into an evil storm of darkness and all other visions of absolute destruction. And the reasons for this destruction seem to be focused on us, as if we all missed the boat and lived so sinfully that god or nature has made some conscious choice to viciously end everything, to cleanse and clarify our "sinful" lifestyles and end the world. On the other hand, some of us take a totally different view. For example, let's consider the fundamental law of cause and effect. Is it not absolutely true that for every action there is an equal reaction? This can be understood as a perfect law. You could reasonably say that "evil" does not exist because everything that happens is a perfect reflection of simple laws of nature. In other words, if something happens it must therefore be natural or it couldn't possibly happen. Does a frog desire to be a famous opera singer? We could all agree that would be, for lack of a better word, "evil." If you struck a C-chord on a perfectly tuned musical instrument and the sound came out as an F-chord, would the hairs on the back of your neck not stand up? Of course the above scenarios could never happen because the natural world would not survive for more than an instant if fundamental laws of the universe behaved so unlawfully. Everything from the slightest mathematical formula would collapse in a micro-second and life would cease to exist faster than the blink of an eye. Will the end of the world 2012 happen...? Good question. Will the world end next Tuesday? Anything is possible. What do YOU think? Richard Woolsey is an Internet Marketing Expert and Humanitarian With Strong Beliefs in Helping Social Issues such as,Solar Energy Products and roof insulation technology. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #4348479) Submit articles to, and watch your traffic increase. Click here to make it happen. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! HayiManso - About the Author:
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