Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Year 2012 End Of The World ( Conspiracy And Government Cover-Ups Or Myth ?)

There has been a lot of interest in the Year 2012 and the End of the world. Hollywood released a blockbuster back in 2009 titled 2012 that was based on the Mayan Calendar that abruptly ends on the21st of December, 2012. But what of this ending, and what does that mean for mankind? Is it a catastrophic end to the planet Earth or does it simply mean the end of the world as we know it? The Mayans predicted throughout our history times of drought, flood and political unrest. The ending of the calendar on the 21st of December 2012 is thought to have two different interpretations. One interpretation is that it will be a shift in the human psyche and we will have a global spiritual change, where the Earth as we know it now will cease to exist and a new Earth will evolve where racial divides are no longer evident, and world peace is possible. The other line of thought away from a Spiritual Awakening in the year 2012, is that the Earth will encounter an Apocalyptic situation and all life on Earth will be destroyed. Scientist have also explored this scenario, and a popular line of thought is that the north and south pole will "flip" due to the Earth being ( for the first time in 25,000 years) completely in line with the Milky Ways equator. The Earth and the Sun will "wobble" slightly due to the magnetic poles being disrupted and ultimately "flip" whereby the North pole will be the South and vice versa. Human life will not be able to survive in such a dramatic course of events. Information about the course of events leading up to the date of December 2012 will give various doomsday warnings, most citing that we are not likely to survive such a polar shift. Other information claims that there is a meteor that is "hiding" behind the sun that is destined to hit Earth at the same time. Whatever the scenario, being informed and up to date with what is likely to happen, what is just not possible and how it will affect you and your family is paramount at this time. Learn the REAL TRUTH by visiting 2012 End Of World Predicition . It will answer the myths and conspiracy theories, and give you accurate up to the minute information on what can be done for you to safe guard your family. Can you afford to not know? Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/new-age-articles/year-2012-end-of-the-world-conspiracy-and-government-coverups-or-myth--1963087.html" (ArticlesBase SC #1963087) Need more traffic? No problem. Publish with us and see why everyone's talking about Articlesbase.com Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.

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