Wednesday, 25 May 2011
May 21 Starts The End Of The World
Thanks to a California Family Radio station, headed by the Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping, 89, hundreds of billboards now warn unrepentant commuters of their impending doom. Camping prophesied that the world would end in 1994. He has now updated his prediction to May 21st, 2011, while saying nothing regarding the earlier failure. Bob James, who considers the billboards as a message of hope, said. "Seven billion people are facing their death! What else could I do?" James helped organize the 30 believers to pay for the billboards in New Jersey. Camping says the gathering up of saved souls will start on May 21st, followed by 5 months of tribulation and chaos that will act as a spiritual business-closing-down sale. It will finish with the final act on October 21st. Camping prefers the doctrine of annihilationism and that unsaved souls will simply cease to exist. He teaches that the doctrine of eternal torment and Hell is not a reality. All churches are corrupt and have become apostate, says Camping. They do not use the Bible alone as the sole authority. They must be dumped. When 44 year-old Anthony Hermandez, the father of seven, was asked if he was scared he replied "If I find myself here May 22, then I'll be unsaved, because all the believers will be taken". This is in spite of Camping teaching that salvation is a pure act of God's grace. Hermandez has neither booked a summer vacation with relatives, nor stocked up on provisions. He has no plans for life after May 21st. There are warnings of end times from paid billboards, to hand written signs everywhere, talking about earthquakes, tsunamis and war. Others prophesy ‘lights out in 2012, while still others see the 2010's as the end of the earth. NASA also states that a bombardment of solar flares in 2013 could end it all. The salvo of flares are likely to overlap with the sun's magnetic energy cycle clashing with the sun's 11-year peak in super-powered sunspot activity. An ordained pastor at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, Barbara Rossing, and author of The Rapture Exposed said, "People love to speculate about the end of the world. It's human nature to want to know when Jesus is returning, Christ specifically admonishes us, 'Don't try to figure it out."' but Jesus Christ said that no man knows the day or the hour of the Lord's return except the Father. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #4752908) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Wendy Stenberg-Tendys - About the Author: Dr Wendy Stenberg-Tendys and her husband are CEO's and founders of YouMe Support Foundation, providing high school education grants for children who are without hope. You can help in this really great project by taking a few minutes to check out the Sponsor a Student program at ( It will change the life of some really needy kids in the South Pacific. Feel free to contact Wendy on
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Year 2012 End Of The World ( Conspiracy And Government Cover-Ups Or Myth ?)
There has been a lot of interest in the Year 2012 and the End of the world. Hollywood released a blockbuster back in 2009 titled 2012 that was based on the Mayan Calendar that abruptly ends on the21st of December, 2012. But what of this ending, and what does that mean for mankind? Is it a catastrophic end to the planet Earth or does it simply mean the end of the world as we know it? The Mayans predicted throughout our history times of drought, flood and political unrest. The ending of the calendar on the 21st of December 2012 is thought to have two different interpretations. One interpretation is that it will be a shift in the human psyche and we will have a global spiritual change, where the Earth as we know it now will cease to exist and a new Earth will evolve where racial divides are no longer evident, and world peace is possible. The other line of thought away from a Spiritual Awakening in the year 2012, is that the Earth will encounter an Apocalyptic situation and all life on Earth will be destroyed. Scientist have also explored this scenario, and a popular line of thought is that the north and south pole will "flip" due to the Earth being ( for the first time in 25,000 years) completely in line with the Milky Ways equator. The Earth and the Sun will "wobble" slightly due to the magnetic poles being disrupted and ultimately "flip" whereby the North pole will be the South and vice versa. Human life will not be able to survive in such a dramatic course of events. Information about the course of events leading up to the date of December 2012 will give various doomsday warnings, most citing that we are not likely to survive such a polar shift. Other information claims that there is a meteor that is "hiding" behind the sun that is destined to hit Earth at the same time. Whatever the scenario, being informed and up to date with what is likely to happen, what is just not possible and how it will affect you and your family is paramount at this time. Learn the REAL TRUTH by visiting 2012 End Of World Predicition . It will answer the myths and conspiracy theories, and give you accurate up to the minute information on what can be done for you to safe guard your family. Can you afford to not know? Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1963087) Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
End of the World Countdown - The Day When Michael Shall Stand Up
This intriguing countdown to the end of the world as chronicled in the eleventh and twelfth chapters of the book of Daniel shows clearly how end-time events will reach their apex. When you coordinate this prophecy with chapters 2, 7, and 8, you will see clearly that Daniel 11 is likewise a parallel prophecy of the succession of world kingdoms leading up to the end of the world. The countdown of end-of-the-world events from the utterances of different prophets and the records of various Bible writers must not be analyzed in isolation. Very often I see where different theologians in their commentaries on end-time Bible prophecies often fall down when it comes to consistency of analysis. One of the areas of inconsistency is found in the identification of the angel Michael. Many Bible commentators make it appears that the deliverance referred to in Daniel 12:1 will be the work of an ordinary angel and not of Christ. Who is Michael? The word Michael in the Hebrew language means 'one who is like God'. This seems to be the description of a being with Godlike attributes that earns Him such a reputation. When I think about this definition of Michael two Bible references would immediately come to mind. In Exodus 3:2-5, it is said that it was "the angel of the Lord" that Moses worshipped at the burning bush; in Joshua 5:13-15, it was an angel that Joshua worshipped when, with drawn sword, He announced Himself as the Captain of the Lord's host. The divine Angel whose voice will raise the dead at His coming According to the book of Jude, Michael is said to be the archangel (vs 9). If this archangel is worthy of worship, then He must be Christ, the Son of God. The only two beings in the universe that are worthy of worship are the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb (Christ) (Rev. 4:8-11; 5:8; 21:22; Jn 5:23, and none of the angelic beings that are under the command of this divine Angel should be so regarded (Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; 22:8, 9). In agreement with this position, the apostle Paul clearly teaches that that same angel of the Lord (the Rock) who was with Israel in the wilderness, and who was worshipped by Joshua and Moses, was Christ (1Cor. 10:1-4; Exod. 23:20-23)! This is not an orthodox view but if we follow the biblical countdown of end-of-the-world events we will see the clear, consistent teaching that it will be Christ who, "with the voice of the archangel" (Michael) (Thess. 4:16), will deliver His people in the time of the end and call forth the righteous from the dead (Jn 5:28, 29). That is precisely the scenario that was set forth in Daniel 12 in connection with Michael standing up. Here is what verse 2 says, "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." The One who will deliver His people from the Antichrist's oppression In Daniel 11:45, it is stated that the king of the north (the Antichrist) will come to his end and none shall help him. As the prophecy continues into chapter 12, you will clearly see that it is at that point that Michael shall stand up. It is when Michael stands up that the Antichrist will be destroyed. But if we should accept the clear truth that the king of the north and the Antichrist are one and the same, then we cannot escape the clear implication of the Paul's teaching in his second epistle to the Thessalonians. In his unique countdown of events leading up to the end of the world, he declared that this 'man of sin' will be destroyed by the spirit (word) of Christ's mouth and by the brightness of His coming (2Thess. 2:3-8). Furthermore, if we can accept the fact that the 'man of sin' and the beast of Revelation 13 are identical, then we must also accept the inevitable conclusion that John's account of the King of kings and Lord of lords, who was seen riding on a white horse, executing judgement on the beast and the false prophet in Revelation 19, is a repetition of the same end-time scenario in Daniel 12:1. Make sure you are on the same side with the Captain of the Lord's host As the end of the world draws near we need to pay attention to the biblical countdown of all the events and coordinate them into one narrative for a better understanding of end-time Bible prophecy. Our present duty as Christians is to make sure that when that time comes, when Michael shall stand up, we are not found on the side of the oppressors but on the side of this mighty Captain of the Lord's host, with our names written in the Book of Life. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #4335205) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Steve Sterling - About the Author: The final warfare in the end of time will be between Michael (Christ) and the 'man of sin' (the Antichrist). For a most intriguing end-time prophecy report on the countdown of last-day event leading up to the end of the world, click here to download a copyof the End-time Prophecy Ecourse To sign up for the FREE END-TIME PROPHECY SEMINAR on how to interpret Bible prophecy, click on: Steve Sterling is a prophecy researcher who has been studying end-time Bible prophecy for over 25 years. He has written many articles and makes many presentations on the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. His latest contribution to the ongoing debates on the book of Revelation is the End-time Prophecy Ecourse.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Is 2012 The End Of The World? Maybe It Is
Is our whole prediction about the world ending in 2012 the reality of the situation, or is it just nonsense? Can this 2012 doomsday prophecy really honestly be in control of any merit? At no time formerly in the people of this world's history of the human race has a individual event been so decidedly critical to the Earth's inhabitants. Seriously, since you are reading this, then you probably already understand the essentialness of this subject matter. There is seriously no subject that is more important to your survival than the end of the world 2012 doomsday subject matter. The diverse end of world 2012 doomsday event covers a flood of particular subjects and theories. It is a really boundless matter. After you deeply take the plunge into pondering all of the seperate topics you start to understand that, however they do have the appearance to be disjoined, all of them become joined into a amazing and whole picture. A few of the very endless ideas that are included in this immense world in 2012 subject matter are: mathematics, astrometry, worship, spirituality, ancient culture, seers, the Hopi and Mayan people. This short list is just to produce for you a very small selection. Now from which direction did all this 2012 clatter derive from? I am here to address the fact that a minority of the nations are presuming that this whole thing started from the movie, however, this whole thing emerged way before that. This titillating idea that something sensational is arising on this 2012 date has been discovered all throughout all of the ancient knowledge of the earth. The most well known examples embody the Hebrew Bible, one of the oldest of Chinese texts known as the I Ching, and Michel de Nostredame just to give a sprinkling. Most of these samplings are painfully strong and have survived all this time for a very important reason. If we pay attention we see that it doesn't burden us that these samples maybe sound dated. We can understand that in astrometry this end of the world 2012 doomsday topic has immense distinction. This truthfully is the shifting into the Age of Aquarius; it is at its vital place during this time. Realizing this information moves us on the campaign into the beginning of our age. The fantastically precise Mayan Calendar is definitely the utmost favored starting point for this world in 2012 prophecy. It has produced an infinite expanse of celestially prophesied occurrences that have been affirmed to come to fruition. A grand mass of women and men will be shaking their heads when hearing this last paragraph. How can we possibly affirm that a civilization who stopped living so may years ago could possess any documentation about 2012 doomsday that have any gravity? Today's society may not get the concepts that this ancient society was putting down, but I know we are progressed enough to figure out that it is possible that they are not mistaken. Realizing this could unequivocally influence whether we survive this 2012 situation or not. After you aquire a generous amount of time studying such things you come to know that they are accurate. Not only were the Mayans exceedingly experienced in the subject matter of mathematics; they were also tremendously masterful in the subject matter of astrometry. With the Mayans calendar they also possess a kind of algebraic device that is also fantastically perfect. The ancient Mayans calendar and the geometrical device have been established by mathematicians for their correctness in predicting the end of times. Mapping of the stars has been used to farther confirm these ends. These ones here honestly are an inconsequential amount of the diverse prophecies that all call attention to the gravity of this date. With a simple search through the web gives over 300,000,000 hits. While you begin to grasp the fantastic group of diverse creeds, cultures, sciences, and lifestyles that are involved in this subject matter you will realize that it is really widespread for a reason. With so many different signs it is extremely evident that there honestly is a lot to this whole world in 2012 event. You just may be asking yourself, "is 2012 really going to be the finish of our planet"? Is it going to be the point that our world evolves? Some of us know, and there are some that doubt. Many journey through the years and do not accept the prospects; they simply do not bother. Some people like to giggle at it like it is a joke. Think about it; what if the many non caring and laughing folks are incorrect? Do you want to bet on it? Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #4643894) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Geraldine Mayfair - About the Author: Learn more by visiting here now==> world ending 2012. It is absolutely essential that we fill ourselves with as much knowledge as possible in order to be among the few surviving 2012. Are you ready to join the revolution? For awesome 2012 book reviews visit==> surviving 2012 books now to learn the truth.
Sunday, 1 May 2011
2012 Is Not The End Of The World ( What They Want You To Believe Or Is There Truth In The Statement?)
The End Of The World Is Not 2012...A statement that many would like to have you believe, but can it be proven either way? First of all let's look at why the statement has been posed to begin with. Hollywood released 2012 the movie in late 2009, basing it on the theory of the Mayan calendar that dates back to early 6th Century BC. This calendar which has been responsible for predicting various world events like earthquakes, floods and other substantial phenomena abruptly comes to an end on the 21st of December 2012. Why does it end there and what is the interpretation of this ending? One theory of why the Mayan calendar ends on the21st of December 2012 is that they simply had to end it somewhere. As simplistic as this sounds, I personally don't subscribe to this thought. The Mayans were genius when it came to all things Mathematical and Astronomy based. They managed to accurately predict earth changing events in our past and their predictions were held in high regard by notable people such as Nostradamus. Other theories are that the Mayans had "seen" a point in our future-their future, where the events were so catastrophic the earth would cease to exist. This theory can be backed by scientific research into the Earth aligning with the Milky Ways Equator for the first time in over 25,000 years. This is thought to provoke a violent shift in the Earths poles and subsequently the north pole would "flip" and become the south pole. Another school of thought is that it is the end of the world as we know it. And as such, the human race would embark on a new Spiritual Awakening that will see the racial divides, poverty, hunger and other human plights end and we as a race would be transformed into a new world of living. This seems reasonably plausible and to be honest, my choice of the two scenarios! However, how is this Spiritual Awakening going to come about when there are generations of hatred and poverty that cannot surely be erased on one single day? There is quite a large following that will have you believe just that, and then there are those that have interpreted it as Christs return. Whatever the scenario, I'm sure you'll agree that it is the far more attractive of the two options. When it comes to figuring out as to whether this is a sensationalized misinterpretation of an ancient calendar, or whether the Scientific backing of a shift in the Earths poles are substantial enough to tie it to the abrupt ending of the calendar is truly a debate that can only be solved by getting to the 21st of December itself. However, if you can gather enough information as I have been able to do and educate yourself on whether there actually is a risk to you and your family, then I sincerely implore you to do that also. I have found the most useful information on 2012 End Of World Prediciton This gives argument about Swine Flu and other pandemics being tied into the 2012 argument, along with Government cover ups and introduces "The 5th Age of Man" which is truly compelling. I wish you and your family information and enlightenment in the lead up to the 21st of December, 2012 Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1963049) Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.
End Of The World In 2012 ( What You Need To Know Before Then)
The end of the world in 2012 can be attributed to the interpretation of The Mayan Calendar. This ancient calendar belonged to a civilization that dates back to at least the 6th Century BC. The Mayan calendar predicted various world events that have occurred in our past such as War, famine, flood and earthquakes, to name just a few. It was held in high enough esteem by visionaries such as Nostradamus and the calendar was adapted by later civilizations. But why then does the Mayan calendar abruptly end on the 21st of December, 2012 ? The Mayan civilization was extremely advanced in mathematics, engineering and astronomy. They also had an incredible understanding of time and space. Various calendars were in use to track time in linear progressions within cycles. The "Great Cycle" of the "Long Count" calendar equates to 5,125.36 years. The current Great Cycle is due to be completed on the winter solstice of 2012, December 21. So, it has been interpreted that on this day, the Great Cycle ends, time ends, so the Earth must end as well. Some believe cataclysmic events will take place in December 2012 with the ultimate destruction occurring on December 21, 2012. Others believe that the world will not end, but instead humanity will enter a new age, marked by significant changes physically and mentally. Whatever the change may be -be it cataclysmic or spiritual, what can be done to prepare for this date? Where can you get the latest and most extensive information on the subject so you can make up your own mind as to what will happen? The conspiracy theories are rife and it makes it harder to get to the real TRUTH. Government cover-ups are not out of the question and so where do we go for real advice and information? Will the World End, or will it be an end to the World as we know it on a Spiritual Level? Know where to go for the most accurate answers and information, be informed on what is happening and what can be done about it. How can you safe guard your life and that of your family members and spiritually THRIVE in the wake of this Life-Changing event. There are dozens of theories about how this might happen. Some claim that 2012 is when the Earth will experience a polar shift. Others say that after 2012, the Earth will experience a period of terrible destruction followed by a new age of peace and enlightenment. A few claim that in 2012, a secret government will accomplish its goal of total world domination. NASA Scientists have been able to exactly pinpoint (to the day) the two Venus Transits and when humanity will change forever. This date matches the Mayan Calendar EXACTLY. It has been Proven By NASA that these calculations were exactly correct. See this pagepublished By NASA This proves that NASA is aware that this EXTREMELY RARE Alignment will indeed happen in December 2012. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1963021) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on 2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.
mayan prediction of the end of the world
There is so much information that is available today about the mayan prediction of the end of the world that I can understand why some researchers into this particular topic sometimes become overwhelmed and confused whilst studying it, this is because the prediction itself is so multi faceted and complex that not only is it not specific to the Mayan civilization itself but it's also not restricted to one area of research or thinking. When I'm discussing the topic of the mayan prediction of the end of the world with people the first thing I always like to point out is that this phrase "end of the world" at least in the context of the Mayan prophecies is not talking about a apocalyptic doomsday scenario that wipes out all life on the planet but rather its speaking of the end of the world as we know it, bringing about change and ushering in a new age that we will live in. However don't misconstrue what I'm saying there, by no means does this indicate that we will not be going through some tough times in the years ahead, you only need look around you every day into our world to realize there is at least some volatility to the mayan prediction of the end of the world. We see it in the form of natural disasters and in the general social makeup of society these days. And it is this aspect of the degradation of our society that I want to speak to right now, because whilst it is true that natural disasters may bring about the end of the world as we know it as foretold in the mayan prediction of the end of the world, what we see if we look around us is that mankind has been so misguided and mislead by both our leaders and each other that we have lost touch with the universe around us, and the affects of this are becoming dangerous for our society. You know you only need to turn on your television to see this, you instantly see channel after channel of mindless garbage designed to warp and alter your mind into a certain way of thinking, people are becoming more violent and even as individuals our thoughts of what is really important in life is being dramatically altered by the false ideology that the corporate media propagates to us. Whilst on the surface this degradation of our society may not appear to tie into the mayan prediction of the end of the world, when we step back and look at it from a different perspective we begin to see quite clearly that it is. Mankind has developed a level of idiocy and ignorance that is border lining on total insanity, we have men and women totally obsessed with the latest fashion, the latest gadgets and trendy things, with a complete disconnect from the natural world around them. Countless children's minds are being altered to buy into this superficial crap and in the long term this can only have the affect of creating a self centered un caring society, with this in mind, as technology progresses do you think that it will be long before as a society we begin to destroy each other in a world war three type situation because our horrible selfishness and greed takes over? Personally I do not. And whilst this is only one specific aspect of the mayan prediction of the end of the world, I particularly think its important because if we as individuals begin to alter our attitudes and ways of thinking, and pass these views on to our children, then at least one of these black scenarios can be avoided and since the nature of our society is completely up to our control I think It is worth taking the time to speak out against the nonsense that is being propagated to our world. The mayan prediction of the end of the world specifically talks about how the people will be ignorant to the changes that are approaching, and that whilst some will become awake and aware in the final days, the vast majority of people will be led like lambs to the slaughter because their souls had been turned black on the inside, Now I'm sure if your reading this right now you are not one of those people, and I'm quite sure you want to do something about it. It was Gandhi who said "be the change you want to see in the world" and this is very important even when talking about the mayan prediction of the end of the world, because even though we are moving into a new age, and yes we are going to experience some very challenging times, on the other side of this will be something so beautiful and fantastic we can only understand it in our dreams. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #2777071) Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Virtus J Armani - About the Author: If this is the case, and we know that we are going to go through tremendous earth changes leading up to 2012 and beyond, then if we would only look at our society and do the best to remove the viruses that have infected the minds of our brothers and sisters of earth we could at least diminish the turbulence of what we are about to move through, a fantastic resource I have found in the area of surviving these turbulent times is 2012 Contact and it is truly a god send as a survival guide for 2012. The mayan prediction of the end of the world is vastly approaching and we need to do the best we can as individuals to prepare for all eventualities, if you're looking for a genuine survival guide offering real preparatory solutions then you need to do yourself a favor right now and check out 2012 Contact the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but you can at least make sure you are prepared for the trying times to come.
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