Sunday, 1 May 2011

End Of The World In 2012 ( What You Need To Know Before Then)

The end of the world in 2012 can be attributed to the interpretation of The Mayan Calendar. This ancient calendar belonged to a civilization that dates back to at least the 6th Century BC. The Mayan calendar predicted various world events that have occurred in our past such as War, famine, flood and earthquakes, to name just a few. It was held in high enough esteem by visionaries such as Nostradamus and the calendar was adapted by later civilizations. But why then does the Mayan calendar abruptly end on the 21st of December, 2012 ? The Mayan civilization was extremely advanced in mathematics, engineering and astronomy. They also had an incredible understanding of time and space. Various calendars were in use to track time in linear progressions within cycles. The "Great Cycle" of the "Long Count" calendar equates to 5,125.36 years. The current Great Cycle is due to be completed on the winter solstice of 2012, December 21. So, it has been interpreted that on this day, the Great Cycle ends, time ends, so the Earth must end as well. Some believe cataclysmic events will take place in December 2012 with the ultimate destruction occurring on December 21, 2012. Others believe that the world will not end, but instead humanity will enter a new age, marked by significant changes physically and mentally. Whatever the change may be -be it cataclysmic or spiritual, what can be done to prepare for this date? Where can you get the latest and most extensive information on the subject so you can make up your own mind as to what will happen? The conspiracy theories are rife and it makes it harder to get to the real TRUTH. Government cover-ups are not out of the question and so where do we go for real advice and information? Will the World End, or will it be an end to the World as we know it on a Spiritual Level? Know where to go for the most accurate answers and information, be informed on what is happening and what can be done about it. How can you safe guard your life and that of your family members and spiritually THRIVE in the wake of this Life-Changing event. There are dozens of theories about how this might happen. Some claim that 2012 is when the Earth will experience a polar shift. Others say that after 2012, the Earth will experience a period of terrible destruction followed by a new age of peace and enlightenment. A few claim that in 2012, a secret government will accomplish its goal of total world domination. NASA Scientists have been able to exactly pinpoint (to the day) the two Venus Transits and when humanity will change forever. This date matches the Mayan Calendar EXACTLY. It has been Proven By NASA that these calculations were exactly correct. See this pagepublished By NASA This proves that NASA is aware that this EXTREMELY RARE Alignment will indeed happen in December 2012. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1963021) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Sarah Gladman - About the Author: The End Of The World is a concept that affects each of us, regardless of whether we believe that the world will simultaneously explode or whether it will signal a new spiritual awakening for each of us. What is known is that the Mayan civilisation were a most fastidious and mathematical of people and the accuracy with which they have predicted events in our past, is truly astounding. What is also most interesting is the interpretation of the calendar ending, in my opinion. To some it is a doomsday warning sparking the end of the world and the destruction of the human race. Others believe it will be the end of pain and suffering, and the human race will awaken to a new spiritual order. Others believe along a similar spiritual line that it signifies the second coming of Christ. Whatever the result on the 21st of December, the only way to truly know what will indeed transpire is to be there. I found some wonderful information and facts on  2012 End Of World Prediction that has helped me sleep alot better at night. So much of the information that we seek for answers on this subject is hidden away in mostly government files. To piece together cover ups and to make an informed decision on what I believe will happen in December 2012 was only possible after reading and educating myself on the matter. I wish for you and your family to have as much knowledge as possible on what you will do when December 2012 comes around. In peace, Sarah.

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