Friday, 31 December 2010
End Of The World 2012 December ( Government Cover-Up Or Myth?)
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
2012 Cataclysm and Doom, Is History Repeating Itself?
About a year ago I published an article titled '2102, Nostradamus, Mayan Calendar, Oh My!' The article was a light-hearted look at the year 2012 and some of its inauspicious predictions. Quite surprisingly, that article has been picked up and published on hundreds of websites and blogs over the past 12 months and I continually receive email from readers and webmasters around the world urging me to write more about this rapidly approaching year (it has also been plagiarized to the point of absurdity). While the interest in my 2012 article is both encouraging and flattering, I think the success of the piece really suggests two simple realities:
1) As with all good doomsday scenarios, the year 2012 does possess enough legitimacy to elevate it beyond the realm of fanatical musings, which is giving it momentum and mystery, and
2) people have a fascination with narratives related to doom and catastrophe, and the internet has become the vehicle which has moved this fascination into a full-blown obsession. Let's look at each in turn.
Among other associations both absurd and reasonable, the year 2012 is increasingly associated with changes in the Sun and cycles of celestial bodies. Indeed, the Mayan calendar (from which 2012 musings owe their origins) is principally a measurement of celestial and natural cycles. The ancient Maya believed that all of life is essentially cyclical, and that time itself is cyclical. Think about it, the days (night and day), the seasons, the years, and so on, all have their roots in cyclical movements: the earth cycles around its axis creating the days, while the moon cycles around the earth creating the months, while both simultaneously cycle around the sun creating the years, and so on. The human body follows natural cycles as well: human gestation is cyclical and even life follows a cyclical formula: birth, growth, maturity, decay, death, and over again...ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Time and reality are essentially cycles within cycles, believed they Maya, and their calendar reflects this cyclical metaphysic.
However, we contemporary thinkers have been programmed to believe that time and reality flow linearly - yesterday before today, and today before tomorrow, etc. - and our orientation to life reflects this cognitive programming. While a linear orientation to time is useful and it certainly helps us to manage our busy lives, it is arguable that the Mayan's were closer to the truth: time is essentially cyclical...and it repeats itself. Ever heard the saying that a broken clock is still correct two times a day?
What does this have to do with the Sun and the year 2012? This will take some explanation...
The sun is our source of life, the alpha and the omega. Without the sun, life could not exist, period; so it is quite logical that primitive cultures created a mythology to worship this great source of life. Indeed, the sun is the source of untold miracles: it walks on water (reflection), turns water to wine (sunrise), cures the sick (fever), raises the dead (spring re-growth), travels with 12 companions (the 12 signs of the zodiac, and the source of your horoscope), and even holds a place of honor in our cognitive construct of the week (Sunday, the day of rest). In fact, most religious holidays are really milestones of sun worship. Christmas is in honor of the sun's rebirth after the December milestone of the winter solstice is reached; Easter and the Passover recognize the sun's 'passing over' the mid-point in its rise past the spring equinox and the beginning of the harvest season (a big deal in primitive times), and so on.
And like all celestial bodies, the sun - our source of life and the object of both adoration and fear - follows a pattern of cycles within cycles. The ancient Maya knew this, and we are just now learning it.
The sun is currently pulling out of a cycle of minimal activity and ramping up towards what many argue will be a solar event of biblical proportions. Without getting too technical, the sun follows a generally predictable pattern of solar activity represented by sunspots; these cycles are referred to as solar minimums and solar maximums and flux on an 11-year cycle (there is that number again...). A solar minimum is a time when there is little or no sunspot activity; conversely, a maximum is a time of tremendous sunspot activity. Interestingly, the next solar maximum is predicted to peak in the latter part of the year 2102, strangely corresponding to the Mayan long count calendar cycle ending date of 12/21/2012, a Great Year that the Mayan's believed would end in a cataclysm of fire. This maximum, argue many, will be one of the most spectacular on record.
What is particularly interesting, and somewhat disturbing, is that our sun is also pulling out of a period of prolonged inactivity - a minimum that has both scholars and thoughtful observers mystified. Could this be the calm before the storm? And if so, what will that storm look like and how will it impact life on earth? Does the strange confluence of all these cycles (and I have not mentioned several other cycles that end in the year 2012) suggest that the earth is on the cusp of a solar event of unimaginable proportions? It is well documented in the scientific literature that sunspot activity affects the earth in unpredictable ways... Are we in store for a season of unprecedented geophysical, geothermal and meteorological unpredictability? All ancient traditions, both oral and written, have stories of a great cataclysm by water (such as Noah's flood); are these traditions really semi-coded warnings to later generations to be on the lookout for the Sun's next coming? Should we be worried that the last Mayan Long Count Cycle ending was marked by a great flood and the 2012 cycle ending is supposed to mark change by fire?
Finally, is it mere coincidence that there is a bizarre increase in blockbuster movies about world-wide disaster related to solar events, (The Book of Eli, 2012, The Knowing, The Road, etc.)? Should we be worried?
2) Obsession with Doom:
It is arguable that the internet has become the pillar of manifest gloominess, and has kicked the amplitude of our strange fixation with doom by an order of magnitude. Indeed, this mania has become so profound in our interconnected world that we have been compelled to create a word to characterize the people who share this collective obsession: Doomers.
And let's face it, 'Dooming' is addictive. Like internet porn, its presence is everywhere and it is hard to avoid. Not surprisingly, 2012 is emerging as the doomsday narrative of choice, the pierce de resistance of End-of-World scenarios. This is not surprising really; the allure of 2012 is a combination of both its scale and diversity, as numerous traditions and mythologies point to this year as a significant milestone, as well as a growing collective notion that 'something is just not right'. 2012 is coming at a perfect time in the evolution of our species as almost everybody agrees that we are living through a time of great challenge and change. Previous predictions of doom were just that - predictions of doom based on beliefs or probabilistic models (such as nuclear annialation or Y2K). 2012, however, is not just about apocalypse or catastrophe, it's about the world purging itself. 2012 represents the ultimate come-uppins from Mother Nature, and, strangely enough, many people see this as a good thing, or at least a just-deserved. Like the mythology of the great flood as the wrath of a vengeful God purging the world of evil, many believe that we have yet again come full circle, or should I say cycle. Hence, the growing popularity of 2012 as a year of great change, purification and turmoil.
Beliefs in dates and doom are not new, of course, and they have been around for as long as people have roamed the earth. Seemingly, like sex, our love of extermination is hardwired into our very DNA. In my short lifetime alone (I'm in my 40's) I have had the pleasure of living quite comfortably through multiple predictions of catastrophe, from Y2K (what a letdown!), to nuclear holocaust...from 88 reasons Why in 88 (the widely-believed prediction of the rapture in 1988), to Hail-Bop and the much awaited return of our parent alien species; indeed, the list goes on and on. Not surprisingly, all of these predictions have one thing in common, and it's the obvious - they were all wrong. Laughably wrong. But that didn't keep people from believing in them, sometimes fanatically.
But today's obsession with apocalypse and 2012 is different. Why? Because today we have the means and the technology to proselytize our fears to a broad audience and in the process stir a global pot of emotional stew into a collective mania. Today, any idiot (or scholar for that matter) can post a well-made but completely made up U-Tube documentary on the arrival of Planet X (in 2012) and arouse the fears of millions. Prior to our interconnected world, dates of doom and devastation were confined to the groups that promoted them or to the creative tools employed to market them, but rarely were they as widespread as they are today, and with the exception of Y2K, they were never global. And that, I submit, is what makes the 2012 phenomenon so scary and why we should be taking it seriously.
But here is a fact that I want you to meditate upon: you are still here. Let me state that again, and I want you to read it slowly: I -- Am -- Still -- Here! The very fact that I am writing to you today about dates and doom should scream a very clear and compelling truth to all of you who are worried about 2012: the odds are in your favor!
One day there actually will be a global cataclysm, that's a statistical certainty. But to assume it will happen in your lifetime is pure ego, and the likelihood that it will occur in 2012 is less related to Mayan mythology, and more to a collective (and dim-witted) wishful thinking. So is history repeating itself? Yes I'm afraid it is...but not the history of catastrophe. Rather the history of human gullibility and predictability. We are 2012, and to the extent that we choose to believe it represents doomsday, will we be underequipped to handle the very real possibility that the world may be cycling through very real changes, changes that are survivable if we will just stop fussing over doom and start balancing reason with readiness.
Kevin Baum is co-founder of, an Austin-based on-line business specializing in Emergency Preparedness Supplies, Survival Kits and Freeze Dried Food for individuals, families and businesses. The SurvivalOutpost philosophy is to balance reason with readiness, and to encourage knowledge, independence and self-sufficiency as tools to survive in an increasingly uncertain & unpredictable world.
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December 21, 2012 - The Real Fuss Behind the 2012 Prophecy
There has been a great deal of fascination behind the 2012 Apocalypse predictions in recent times as the year 2012 approaches. Even in the last year, Hollywood has cashed in on the increased publicity generated by the buzz around the 2012 phenomenon by releasing the 2012 movie. This is perhaps many people's depiction of what will happen come December 2012; however there is actually a great deal of mystery over the actual events that are supposedly going to occur.
The actual prediction about the 2012 prophecy is based on three reputable sources of information- Nostradamus, the Mayan Calendar and the Holy Bible. All three mention in some degree to a Doomsday, Day of Reckoning or Judgement day. The Mayan Calendar is actually the only source that directly makes the prediction that these events will occur in 2012. More specifically the Mayan long count Calendar predicts that in December 21, 2012, the end of the world will occur.
The Mayan society is well known for being one of the most advanced civilizations of the ancient world along with the Egyptians, Sumerians and Romans. They were well known to be highly advanced in a number of faculties such as Mathematics, Engineering and Architecture. The Mayan civilization had many short calendars that they would use for things such as harvesting and religious purposes. The Mayan Calendar split time into different time units similar to the presently used Lunar Calendar. 1 year was known as a Haab, while the shortest period of time was a fortnight, which was known as a Tzolkin. The Mayan long count calendar lasts for thousands of years and is set to end in December 21, 2012. When compared to the highly recognized Lunar Calendar, scientists believe that the Mayan Calendar is incredibly precise, with only a 30 second difference between the two calendars.
As the year 2012 approaches, no one really knows what will happen come December 21, 2012. However, it is completely plausible and possible that the ancient Mayan civilization predicted an end of age that could have devastating effects on mankind. Could it be possible that this is when the Apocalypse may happen? Or is it perhaps the beginning of a new age where the emergence of Christ or even the Antichrist may emerge? We will have to wait and see.
If you want to read more about the Mayan Calendar, visit our Official 2012 Countdown website.
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Tuesday, 7 December 2010
What Will Happen in the Polar Shift 2012?
Have you heard any of the rumblings about the end of the world supposedly occurring in 2012? I had, and I wanted to know why there were so many people that were convinced that we needed to be doing something now to ensure the survival of the human race when that year rolled around.
The Mayan calendar has been the one reference point for many theorists. The Mayan people lived in North America back in the early 6th Century. They were very advanced when it came to astronomy and mathematics and had devised a calendar that is referred to as the Long Count Calendar. This calendar has been amazingly accurate in predicting times of war, famine and other major world events. The fact that this calendar ends abruptly on December 21 2012 has got a lot of people nervous.
One of the theories behind the calendar ending is that there will be a cataclysmic event that will end the world. Some believe that this will be due to the earth undergoing a polar flip. This polar shift 2012 phenomenon means that the north pole will switch or flip with the south pole. Therefore what is north will be south ad south will be north.
What this polar shift 2012 will do to the earth is unknown, but many are predicting it will dictate the end of humanity. Some theorists do believe that there is a way to survive if you are educated and informed on what the shift will entail and ways in which you can give yourself and others the best fighting chance of surviving this event. Some believe there are places on the globe that wont be affected so drastically by the tsunamis, earthquakes and major environment upset. Where exactly these locations are varies depending on the literature you subscribe to.
Chris Mallory is a writer and researcher on polar shift 2012. You can save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of this product and many others including discounts and best prices at Chris' blog:
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Wednesday, 1 December 2010
2012 Power Point
Scholars of the 2012 phenomenon have at this stage accumulated such a vast wealth of information on the topic that I personally find it hard to believe that people still deny the prophecies regarding the change of the world as we know it on December 21st 2012, but I think of the main 2012 power point pieces of information is that the prophecy itself has been misunderstood.
The 2012 power point I want to share with you is that this prophecy is in no way talking about the end of the world in a fiery haze of death and destruction but is talking about a metaphorical end of an age and the beginning of something new. If you want astrological evidence of this simply take note that the year 2012 marks the beginning of the new age of Aquarius.
As I have told people many times before however this in no way means that we will not be subjected to significant earth changes over the next coming years and we have already to some degree seen quite a few across the whole spectrum in the form of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and more.
What we can gain from these observations however is that the main 2012 power point really comes down to us, if the world around us is progressing into a new age, then we to as both humans and spiritual beings must to enter into a new age of living, thinking and being. We must learn to love ourselves and embrace love in every way, and most of all rid ourselves of the blackness that has manifested in our society in every way shape and form.
This 2012 power point change that is already starting to take affect will change us both physically and mentally in years to come, but as the metaphor rightly says "someone can only show you a door, you must choose to walk through it" if we do not then we as a society will indeed fully irreversibly into the pits of darkness, and perpetually be controlled by the evil powers that be.
2012 is both a planetary phenomenon but also a personal phenomenon and it is such because at the core of the matter as the planets align in our solar system so to shall we because we are on one, and a part of that solar system, whilst we are not of the same physical size as these celestial bodies this in no way should detract from the spiritual significance of the purpose of what is taking place.
We must begin to look within ourselves, we must face our inner demons, we must regain the inner strength that we once had as a species in previous ages and wake up and realize the fact that we have become controlled by evil forces such as the Illuminati and others and most of all realize that those that would control us know full well of the changes that are approaching and are doing everything within their power to make sure they limit our own.
These forces that control us know of the main 2012 power point, they know that once we have ascended into light that we will no longer be able to be so easily controlled and manipulated by them, so in order for them to keep their iron grip on us they propagate our beautiful world with fear, war and distractions to keep us in such a state of energetic chaos that we don't have time to re awaken to our true selves and our infinite potential and consciousness.
The dark Illuminati are scared because what the 2012 power point will do is completely liberate us from our current state of being, they themselves cannot rise into the light because they are lower vibration forces and it is a known fact that lower vibration entities feed of negative and lower energy, so by putting fear and anger into or society they gain power from it that they then turn and use against us.
This is why it is so important that we learn to "Know Thyself" once again and that we learn to love ourselves for all the good things and all the bad things, so that we can gain inner peace and tranquility that will enable all of mankind to no longer be hypnotized by these demonic serpents and truly ascend into a new golden age.
This is what I believe the 2012 power point is, but whilst this spiritual level of understanding is important I still must stress to you my beloved fellow truth seeker we must do the best we can to fight tyranny on every single level, be it political or personal, but never fight anger with anger, always maintain a positive attitude, be passionate and pro active, but don't be angry and violent in your different ways of activism.
With so many different aspects to cover when talking about the main 2012 power point it is at times hard to come across reliable and readable information, in my recent research efforts into the 2012 phenomenon I have found 2012 Contact to be a valuable resource when I'm attempting to find a new direction to take, it's well worth a look, check it out right now!
Joining the dots together about all the different aspects of 2012 is fundamentally important to any scholar of the subject or activist and for me I found 2012 Contact to be a great resource for that, not to mention the survival guide was perfect for me when I was creating my own natural disaster preparation kit, which is going to be essential in the coming years, make sure you don't get caught out surprised.
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Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Bankruptcy Does Not Need To Be The End Of The World For You
Friday, 29 October 2010
Foggy Wine Glasses Aren't The End Of The World
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
2012 Official Countdown - December 2012 End of The World
Sunday, 24 October 2010
2012 End Of The World Theory ( What The Government And Nasa Aren't Telling You)
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Mayan Calendar End Times 2012 - Is the End of the World Near?
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
2012 End Of The World - Is It The Real End?
Sunday, 17 October 2010
2012 Doomsday Prophecy - Is It The End of Times?
2012 End of the World Theory - Is This a Warning to Mankind?
Thursday, 14 October 2010
End of the World, 2012 and Jesse Vetura
Nostradamus 2012 End of the World Doomsday: Am I Going To Live? Should I Quit My Job If We're All Going To Die? The eBook That Changes Everything
Monday, 11 October 2010
Irregular Menstruation: not the end of the world
Saturday, 9 October 2010
2012 End of the World - What it Means For You
Why is the year 2012 so significant? You probably have heard this specific year pop up several times in the media, especially recently. There have been television shows dedicated to the 2012 phenomenon, including 2012 predictions, 2012 prophecies, etc. There has even been a movie centered on the events that are speculated to happen in that year. You probably have noticed that almost all of the images and discussions focused around that year have pointed to a doomsday scenario. All of this 2012 end of the world talk might have you feeling anxious about what could occur in 2012, especially since it's only a couple of years away.
Is 2012 the end of the world, and what exactly is behind this belief? 2012 predictions of this nature stem from writings and events that took place thousands of years ago. One such factor that has sparked the 2012 end of the world debate has to do with the Mayans. Specifically, in 2012 Mayan calendar ends, with the specific date being December 21, 2012. Many people have taken this to mean that the Mayans were predicting that the world would end on that day. Furthermore, this date coincides with the alignment of the sun with the center of the Milky Way, which is what some people believe will trigger the doomsday scenario that is expected by many to occur on that date.
There have also been 2012 prophecies, in specific by Nostradamus, who had made several predictions about events that were supposed to occur many years ahead of his time, several of which seem to have come to fruition. Since he seems to have had a penchant for accurately predicting future events, many people believe this to be an indication that his predictions relating to the year 2012 is likely to come true as well. In his drawings and tables, for the year 2012 Nostradamus predicts the alignment mentioned above that many people believe will trigger a 2012 end of the world scenario.
Is 2012 the end of the world, or will there at least be a life-altering event, and what can you do to prepare? A good idea would be to read up on the subject and become more informed of what people predict will happen in the year 2012. A good resource for 2012 end of the world material is the internet. You could search for a website that has collected a large selection of informative articles and other material on 2012 prophecies, 2012 predictions, Mayans 2012, and more.
One such site is There you can find article, books and videos to educate you on how the infamous 2012 might play out. It might possibly be just all hype but I wouldn't bet against "something" happening. We certainly hope whatever it is isn't catasrophic in nature but more along the lines of a new awakening for our planet. We all remember "YK2" and how all the experts and their predictions had everybody in a uproar and panic. Thankfully things turned out o.k. for all concerned. Will 2012 have the same ending or???
John Kurtz likes to share news and information on certain topics he finds of interest through his articles and informative websites.
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Friday, 8 October 2010
Not the end of the world biography books at cheap price
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Watch the End of the World - a Flash Animation
Nostradamus End of World Theories - Are Nostradamus' Predictions Coming True?
Sunday, 3 October 2010
2012 December End of the World- Is this Concept True?
Dec 21, 2012 Polar Shift - Info Alert to Prepare For a Big Phenomenon
Becoming aware of the much talked about Dec 12, 2012 Polar Shift is actually something that is frightening and daunting at the same time. There are so many theories about the impending Doomsday come year 2012. That such phenomenon of polar reversals taking place will wreak havoc and chaos all over our planet Earth. If you happen to be one of those millions of people all over the globe who remain clueless about such upcoming phenomenon in December 12, 2012, read on this article for more information about the Dec 12, 2012 Polar Shift. Here is just some of the useful information that may guide you when preparing for your polar reversal survival.
First, research by browsing through the internet pertaining to the countless of theories about polar reversals come 2012. There are in fact, a lot of them linking such Polar Shifts 2012 as something they call as geomagnetic reversal on our planet Earth. In other words, there will be irregular alterations on the various magnetic fields that can be found in our planet.
Second, know what such polar shifts mean. That way, you will easily understand the concept of all the experts' predictions and decide for yourself whether they seem feasibly true enough to take place in the predicted date or not. As a result, you will be able to prepare well for your polar reversal survival. With such knowledge and with the preparations you will make, you can then be certain that you will be able to save all your loved ones and families at the time of the predicted event. Actually, polar shifts mean having a shift in the true poles, the North and South poles. The minute these two poles are broken and they collapse, there is what we call the polar shift or polar reversal which spells chaos to the entire planet Earth. What is more, it is expected to cause so many disasters and increase in the radiation of cosmic rays as well.
Furthermore, when preparing for your survival against the predicted polar shift in 2012, make sure to research about the potential events to occur in December 12, 2012. Find out what the experts have to say about the possible major configuration as far as the heavenly bodies are concerned.
Finally, with such predicted Polar shifts in the year 2012, expect that there are going to be a lot of huge disturbances. These will have to include disastrous events such as catastrophic tsunamis, the devastating volcanic eruptions, some massive typhoons and also, the intensely damaging earthquakes. With sufficient knowledge regarding the predictions on such disastrous catastrophes, you will be able to equip yourself with everything you will need in order to survive this major catastrophic vent in December 12, 2012. Really, to believe whether these things are true or not will only depend on your beliefs as person, as well as your judgment based on everything that you have gathered through your research about the Dec 12, 2012 Polar Shift.
For more theories and information regarding the alleged phenomenon, visit Dec 12, 2012 Polar Shift and think twice if this entire thing is a fact or just a myth!
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Saturday, 2 October 2010
The End of the World 2012 Countdown
In addition to the release of the new movie 2012 to the world, there have been many who have been afraid of the end of the world in 2012. There are many speculations to what might happen on that day and the nearer we get to 2012, the closer the fears are going to become even more pronounced. There are many things that you could do to prepare for this event and you are going to have to make sure that you have everything that you should need for the just in case, something bad happens on that day. As the 2012 countdown continues, there are some things that you are going to have to prepare yourself for. Some of these things are:
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Will the World End on Sept. 10, 2008 and not 2012?
2012 End of World Predictions- Will the Forecast go wrong?
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Will 2012 Be The End Of The World?
2012 Predictions Bible
So you want to know if there were 2012 predictions bible, well the short answer is yes, the long answer is however the truth of the matter that these predictions are in no way shape or form limited to the bible alone, and if I am to be perfectly honest with you if you are sincere about your research about the 2012 phenomenon you need to look into as many available sources as you can, however.
If we are to discuss 2012 predictions bible alone we can immediately recognize that throughout this prophetic holy scripture are hundreds of references mentioning the end of times that easily fall into line with what the Ancient civilizations of our world had been predicting to occur thousands of years in the future, however as I'm sure your aware, it's no longer thousands of years away but rather right on our doorstep.
If we look at the core concepts of the bible, in specific the book of revelations, if we then look at the 2012 predictions bible for their symbolic references as opposed to interpreting them for their literal meaning we are able to see that these scenarios of fire raining from the sky's, horsemen of the apocalypse and of course that of the devil himself are not only symbols of ourselves but also of the world around us.
I have always found it interesting when just looking at the character of the devil alone how this one being that symbolizes hate, violence, anger, greed, sexual perversion and war, seems to also characterize everything our society has become today, and I'm sure if any of you have ever had a conversation with a true person of the faith they will tell you that the world has fallen into the vices of sin and malice.
Now I've written many times on how society itself is falling into a spiritual black pit of abyss we see the younger generations being propagated with all sorts of horrific nonsense whenever they turn on the television and due to the social collective mentality of our modern day society they then propagate this mental filth they learn to others in their generation, what's even worse as time goes on all these bad character traits that are akin to the devil himself get worse exponentially as time goes on, and this in and of itself is a 2012 predictions bible.
The ancient civilizations of the world all spoke of a time where right before the period of changes, that we are calling the end of the world, that mankind would slump into its own period of darkness and that this was part of the apocalyptic scenario. And in the bible it is said that in the end time there would be many false prophets and idols, and thousands would be fooled by the veils of darkness.
If this is the case, and we can see on an earthly level that our world around us has been consumed by all the major character traits of the devil and the forces of hell, then doesn't that speak to the fact that these 2012 predictions bible are real? There are experts in this particular field that have "decoded" the bible and its prophecies and found that most of what is predicted has in some way come to pass already, and with wars, famine and greed lurking in every corner of the world, I don't think the question is will the forces of hell rise against us, I personally believe they have always been here and are simply in the phases of their final assault against mankind.
You see the people of the world have forgotten their inner light, they have lost the connection with the world that we once had, they have forgotten the teachings of prophets such as Jesus Christ, and have neglected to holy wisdom given through books such as the bible, it is because of this that we have fallen deep into darkness, and it is because darkness controls the world that we are unable to see it.
The fact of the matter is that we are honestly moving into dangerous times, we see earth changes happening with far more frequency and power all over the globe and whilst it is said by others that these pre cursors to 2012 will slow down and in some cases cease all together after 2012, we must make sure that in the lead up to 2012 we are prepared so that you, the good people of the lord reading this right now can be on the other side of these final days of darkness to spread the word of love and light as we enter a new age.
We as a society are deep within the pits of darkness, and the forces of Lucifer are as we speak in control of this planet in its entirety make no mistake, however the metaphorical war against good and evil has been fought for thousands of years, and the light, in this final hour shall shine bright like the lord above, and so long as you protect yourself and you family by utilizing the survival guide offered in books like 2012 Contact and many others, you will be doing your part to save the world.
We must always remain positive, we must always have love and light in our hearts and pay attention to the wisdom of the holy bible, we must pray for ourselves and pray for others, but most of all, we must use knowledge and intellect as our weapon, and arm ourselves with as many resources as we can in that respect, 2012 Contact is a fascinating book that has personally helped me in my research, and it is with love in my heart that I urge you to use its knowledge in these final days of this age.
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2012 And The End Of The World
Is The World Going To End In 2012? Know The Hidden Facts!
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
The Truth About the 2012 Phenomenon and the Apocalypse
These days, you could not say 2012 without bringing up two thoughts from the people you say it to, first thought is about that Hollywood movie about the end of the world and the second thought is yes, the apocalyptic end of the world prophecies made by the ancient Mayans that would happen on the year 2012. So, with all of this worldwide hype for it, what is The truth about the 2012 phenomenon? Seriously, if it is about something that may cause a slow and very painful death to all of humanity, you may as well pay attention, right? The prophecy was based on the Mayan Long Count Calendar stating that the end of the world is at hand and will happen two years from now on December 21, 2012, which started thousands of several versions of 2012 predictions and 2012 apocalypse topics.
However, it is a known fact that there are a lot of failed prophecies about the end of the world, and some had even gone as far back as the seventeenth century, so how is this 2012 prophecy of the Mayans any different? The answer to this is really very simple, The truth about the 2012 phenomenon is that it is a prophecy made by an ancient civilization that is known even up to now, for their astronomical and mathematical advancement as well as deeply ingrained spirituality and superstition. The ancient Mayan's Long count calendar accurately calculates the earth's current life cycle of 5,125 years and this life cycle will come to an end on Friday, 21st of December, 2012.
An evidence from the ancient Mayan civilization that supports this prophecy is a book known as Popol Vuh that tells about stories of creation of the world and of all living things; the book's inscriptions state that the world has five life cycles and the current life cycle that we live in is the fourth, the first three, being failures, were destroyed. The book also implies that our current world would be destroyed on the same day that the first three had been destroyed, with the fifth world beginning the next day after the termination of the fourth world has been completed.
There is other supporting pieces of evidence that can be found in several other ancient Mayan inscriptions and all are consistent in their statements that in 2012 the end of the world will indeed happen. There are even ancient inscriptions saying how the gods will descend from the heavens and that the skies would turn into liquid blackness. The 2012 official countdown has already been started, and until now scholars and scientists debate on the details of the prophecy made by the Mayans. So what is the truth about the 2012 phenomenon? The answer still eludes many however, but one thing is sure, two years from now, the world as we know it now, will indeed change.
If you want to read more about the truth about the 2012 phenomenon, visit our 2012 Official Countdown website.
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Polar Shift 2012 - Are You Ready?
Truth be told, the Polar shift 2012 is not something that our planet is not familiar with. The earth, in fact, has laid witness to a lot of polar shifts in its very long life. It is not really impossible to think that another polar shift is inevitable and as scientists themselves had already given testament to, will happen. Alright so, that thing is settled. A polar shift is inevitable. The next question is (after the question 'when it will happen again'), what will happen after a polar shift occurs; this article will discuss each possible scenario:
There will be violent vortices involved. In this scenario, it is explained that the earth's magnetic field is believed to be controlled from the inner core and that there would be turbulent and swirling vortices of molten iron within the earth's core. This turbulence would create a great impact in the earth's magnetic field levels which may cause a reversal in the earth's magnetic fields. When this happens, a pole reversal occurs; something that happens every seven hundred and fifty thousand years. So the planet right now is pretty much overdue when it comes to this situation - a polar shift. So this means that we are most probably up for another one in this generation.
Since the last occurrence would be placed around a million years ago and men have yet existed during that time, we can only speculate as to what the direct consequences a polar shift would do to the planet and to every living thing that exists within the planet. In short, we have no idea what will happen before and after. Never the less, we can still somehow surmise what might happen should the earth's magnetic field deteriorate entirely. Perhaps electrical and navigational equipment will all be rendered useless. There would be an elevated level on thunder and lightning. There would also be drastic increases in seismic and volcanic activities giving drastic if not entirely catastrophic results.
The earth might also experience lethal levels of radiation. Since polar reversals would be preceded by a brief disintegration of the earth's magnetic field, there would be nothing to protect the planet as well as everyone in it from deadly solar radiation. Oh and yes, it is still yet known how long this magnetic field will be gone. It can be for a period of days and may last for years, for all we know. Regardless of the duration, every living thing on earth, human, animal and plant life will be subject to extremely deadly cancers.
The Polar shift 2012 phenomenon is not something that the earth has not gone through. But it is something that can wipe out every living thing in the planet if we do not act now and somehow prepare for it. Since it was determined that the planet earth is long overdue for a polar shift, it is quite possible for it to happen in 2012. Hell, it may even happen earlier than that for all we know.
For more theories and information regarding the alleged phenomenon, visit polar shift 2012 and think twice if this entire thing is a fact or just a myth!
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2012 Hoax Prophecy
There are many people who are under the impression that the information surrounding 2012 is nothing more than a 2012 hoax prophecy, which is of course completely incorrect. It often astounds me that people could claim 2012 hoax prophecy even though there are so many documented facts surrounding the 2012 phenomenon.
Not only have countless scholars and academics invested their entire lives into researching the Mayan civilization and its calendars, but they have the audacity to refuse to admit that many of the other great ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs, Incas and Egyptians also predicted the same things in their own particular ways and these two are most certainly not a 2012 hoax prophecy.
It is a sad fact that the real reason there is so much disinformation and debunking starting to emerge surrounding 2012 is because the core of the 2012 phenomenon itself could potentially mark the end of the world as we know it and after the disruptive periods of change are over humans will once again be liberated within themselves and able to understand and do amazing things.
The whole 2012 hoax prophecy movement is designed to make people submissive, mindless drones who will believe whatever their government tells them for the simple, yet complex reason that those that would control us and thus create information against the prophecies of 2012 have their own dark agenda that they are adhering to.
The true nature as to why these powers that be wish to ensure we do not wake up to the reality of 2012 is truly astounding and I must admit that many years ago I became privy to this information I found it hard to take it, however none the less it is true, that the elite of this world believe themselves to be gods, genetically superior and more intelligent and thus deserving than all other life on the planet, they revel in the control they have over the average man, and if the turbulent times of 2012 have the potential to liberate that average man, you can be sure they will do everything to stop it.
It's no surprise we have seen big budget films such as "2012" released through Hollywood within the past year, as this movie was designed to propagate the idea through fiction into the public so that when information rose to the surface regarding the true nature of the topic, or when private individuals would discuss it, those that then promoted such material would be labeled with the ever increasing derogatory term "Tin Foil Hat Wearer" Or the age old classic "Conspiracy Theorist".
Ask yourself this question humble reader, every day when you turn on your television you may now and then hear of new scientific developments and technological achievements that are being made by our modern day scientists, you may also hear of representatives of space agencies of NASA discuss new information they have found as well correct? Yes.
Well then why is it, when I viewed the news some 12 months ago now, a CNN prime time report featuring Professor Michio Kaku the world's leading theoretical physicist and I heard him talking about potential mass coronal ejections of the sun producing solar flares that could affect the earth in 2012 was he instantly dismissed by the reporter in an offhand way as if the message was important?
The more time progresses and more information surrounding the large topic of 2012 presents itself the more I have begun to realize that it seems it doesn't matter who you are but if you discuss any sort of strange concept surrounding the year 2012 you are instantly not believed, which is a shame because as I said at the start there is an overwhelming amount of data.
Personally I have never been foolish to believe anything that the propaganda machine (aka: television) tells me about my reality and world, but other people are, so it is always very important, now more than ever in some ways that you become thoroughly educated on the subject of 2012, if you're looking for another addition to your book collection be sure to check out 2012 Contact
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