Thursday, 23 September 2010

2012 Predictions Bible

So you want to know if there were 2012 predictions bible, well the short answer is yes, the long answer is however the truth of the matter that these predictions are in no way shape or form limited to the bible alone, and if I am to be perfectly honest with you if you are sincere about your research about the 2012 phenomenon you need to look into as many available sources as you can, however.

If we are to discuss 2012 predictions bible alone we can immediately recognize that throughout this prophetic holy scripture are hundreds of references mentioning the end of times that easily fall into line with what the Ancient civilizations of our world had been predicting to occur thousands of years in the future, however as I'm sure your aware, it's no longer thousands of years away but rather right on our doorstep.

If we look at the core concepts of the bible, in specific the book of revelations, if we then look at the 2012 predictions bible for their symbolic references as opposed to interpreting them for their literal meaning we are able to see that these scenarios of fire raining from the sky's, horsemen of the apocalypse and of course that of the devil himself are not only symbols of ourselves but also of the world around us.

I have always found it interesting when just looking at the character of the devil alone how this one being that symbolizes hate, violence, anger, greed, sexual perversion and war, seems to also characterize everything our society has become today, and I'm sure if any of you have ever had a conversation with a true person of the faith they will tell you that the world has fallen into the vices of sin and malice.

Now I've written many times on how society itself is falling into a spiritual black pit of abyss we see the younger generations being propagated with all sorts of horrific nonsense whenever they turn on the television and due to the social collective mentality of our modern day society they then propagate this mental filth they learn to others in their generation, what's even worse as time goes on all these bad character traits that are akin to the devil himself get worse exponentially as time goes on, and this in and of itself is a 2012 predictions bible.

The ancient civilizations of the world all spoke of a time where right before the period of changes, that we are calling the end of the world, that mankind would slump into its own period of darkness and that this was part of the apocalyptic scenario. And in the bible it is said that in the end time there would be many false prophets and idols, and thousands would be fooled by the veils of darkness.

If this is the case, and we can see on an earthly level that our world around us has been consumed by all the major character traits of the devil and the forces of hell, then doesn't that speak to the fact that these 2012 predictions bible are real? There are experts in this particular field that have "decoded" the bible and its prophecies and found that most of what is predicted has in some way come to pass already, and with wars, famine and greed lurking in every corner of the world, I don't think the question is will the forces of hell rise against us, I personally believe they have always been here and are simply in the phases of their final assault against mankind.

You see the people of the world have forgotten their inner light, they have lost the connection with the world that we once had, they have forgotten the teachings of prophets such as Jesus Christ, and have neglected to holy wisdom given through books such as the bible, it is because of this that we have fallen deep into darkness, and it is because darkness controls the world that we are unable to see it.

The fact of the matter is that we are honestly moving into dangerous times, we see earth changes happening with far more frequency and power all over the globe and whilst it is said by others that these pre cursors to 2012 will slow down and in some cases cease all together after 2012, we must make sure that in the lead up to 2012 we are prepared so that you, the good people of the lord reading this right now can be on the other side of these final days of darkness to spread the word of love and light as we enter a new age.

We as a society are deep within the pits of darkness, and the forces of Lucifer are as we speak in control of this planet in its entirety make no mistake, however the metaphorical war against good and evil has been fought for thousands of years, and the light, in this final hour shall shine bright like the lord above, and so long as you protect yourself and you family by utilizing the survival guide offered in books like 2012 Contact and many others, you will be doing your part to save the world.

We must always remain positive, we must always have love and light in our hearts and pay attention to the wisdom of the holy bible, we must pray for ourselves and pray for others, but most of all, we must use knowledge and intellect as our weapon, and arm ourselves with as many resources as we can in that respect, 2012 Contact is a fascinating book that has personally helped me in my research, and it is with love in my heart that I urge you to use its knowledge in these final days of this age.

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