Tuesday, 21 September 2010

2012 Hoax Prophecy

There are many people who are under the impression that the information surrounding 2012 is nothing more than a 2012 hoax prophecy, which is of course completely incorrect. It often astounds me that people could claim 2012 hoax prophecy even though there are so many documented facts surrounding the 2012 phenomenon.

Not only have countless scholars and academics invested their entire lives into researching the Mayan civilization and its calendars, but they have the audacity to refuse to admit that many of the other great ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs, Incas and Egyptians also predicted the same things in their own particular ways and these two are most certainly not a 2012 hoax prophecy.

It is a sad fact that the real reason there is so much disinformation and debunking starting to emerge surrounding 2012 is because the core of the 2012 phenomenon itself could potentially mark the end of the world as we know it and after the disruptive periods of change are over humans will once again be liberated within themselves and able to understand and do amazing things.

The whole 2012 hoax prophecy movement is designed to make people submissive, mindless drones who will believe whatever their government tells them for the simple, yet complex reason that those that would control us and thus create information against the prophecies of 2012 have their own dark agenda that they are adhering to.

The true nature as to why these powers that be wish to ensure we do not wake up to the reality of 2012 is truly astounding and I must admit that many years ago I became privy to this information I found it hard to take it, however none the less it is true, that the elite of this world believe themselves to be gods, genetically superior and more intelligent and thus deserving than all other life on the planet, they revel in the control they have over the average man, and if the turbulent times of 2012 have the potential to liberate that average man, you can be sure they will do everything to stop it.

It's no surprise we have seen big budget films such as "2012" released through Hollywood within the past year, as this movie was designed to propagate the idea through fiction into the public so that when information rose to the surface regarding the true nature of the topic, or when private individuals would discuss it, those that then promoted such material would be labeled with the ever increasing derogatory term "Tin Foil Hat Wearer" Or the age old classic "Conspiracy Theorist".

Ask yourself this question humble reader, every day when you turn on your television you may now and then hear of new scientific developments and technological achievements that are being made by our modern day scientists, you may also hear of representatives of space agencies of NASA discuss new information they have found as well correct? Yes.

Well then why is it, when I viewed the news some 12 months ago now, a CNN prime time report featuring Professor Michio Kaku the world's leading theoretical physicist and I heard him talking about potential mass coronal ejections of the sun producing solar flares that could affect the earth in 2012 was he instantly dismissed by the reporter in an offhand way as if the message was important?

The more time progresses and more information surrounding the large topic of 2012 presents itself the more I have begun to realize that it seems it doesn't matter who you are but if you discuss any sort of strange concept surrounding the year 2012 you are instantly not believed, which is a shame because as I said at the start there is an overwhelming amount of data.

Personally I have never been foolish to believe anything that the propaganda machine (aka: television) tells me about my reality and world, but other people are, so it is always very important, now more than ever in some ways that you become thoroughly educated on the subject of 2012, if you're looking for another addition to your book collection be sure to check out 2012 Contact

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Virtus_J_Armani

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