Saturday, 26 February 2011
End of the World: What People are Saying About It
2012 Is Not The End Of The World ( What They Want You To Believe Or Is There Truth In The Statement?)
Survive December 21 2012 - Is The End Of The World Upon Us?
Thursday, 24 February 2011
2012 Is Not The End Of The World ( What They Want You To Believe Or Is There Truth In The Statement?)
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
2012: End of the World?
mayan prediction of the end of the world
Monday, 21 February 2011
The Meaning Of Seeing 1111, 111 Phenomenon
Welcome! I know something about you already. You are now doing something that I did a couple years ago; trying to make sense of this crazy phenomenon of seeing (11, 111, 1111) and for some of us even other master numbers such as (44, 444, 4444). The multiple sets of 11's seem to be the most common set, to which we will focus on.
First, let me say I completely empathize with your feelings of astonishment, wonder and speculation as you notice these master numbers several times a day on anything that can and does display a number. As you certainly understand by now, these occurrences happen way too often to simply be chance happenings. At times it happens so frequently that you want to pull your hair out in frustration! At the same time, you can not really vent to your friends that you are habitually seeing 11's, for fear of admitting you have lost your mind completely.
Even so, if you are reading this now, surly you noticed the extent of web sites now up and running that try and address this metaphysical phenomenon. Google AdWords tool shows that over a Million people a month are searching for meaning of 1111 each month. Hopefully this fact alone will assure you that you have not lost your mind. Yet to fully accept this experience that is happening to you, you are going to have to think out side the box. Clearly this global phenomenon is metaphysical and requires that understanding to receive the meaning behind these cues we are being given.
After hundreds of hours of my own research into this, I can not possibly touch every theory as to what this is all about. However, after 35 years of metaphysical studies, research and common sense I can tell you what I think this is all about. And for further information on anything I present to you, you can certainly Google it and find the related facts.
The basis of this phenomenon is that of 12-21-2012, and approximately 20 years before and 20 years after. Through an in depth study of the Mayan belief system (also Hopi Indian, Vedas) we know that this era is a gigantic transformation from one world into that of a brand new world. Humanity has earned the graduate status of enlightenment. The human genome and DNA strand is being upgraded via ultra magnetic frequencies that are affecting all of us. You can clearly see for yourself associated phenomenon such as time seeming to move faster, a greater division between the "haves" and the "have nots". This most recently played out with the Egyptian people.
Everyone has been experiencing strange physical symptoms from headaches to back aches, to a tingly head. Emotional traumas have surfaced to be processed and cleared. Relationships, careers and belief systems have been challenged to be reformed or replaced. We have been told that 90 percent of our DNA is junk DNA. This could not be further from the truth as it is now being activated through the ultra magnetic frequencies that we are receiving. This will in turn activate our latent 80 percent brain mass and we will begin to have new fascinating abilities. We are truly headed to a wonderful new Earth! However there is still a lot of work to do. The planet needs much healing, as do the people who are still stuck in a negative power hungry or hateful mentality. These people will have an opportunity to move with us into the new world, but many are simply so negative they will never be able to do so. These people will face natural crossing-over through disease, accident or natural disaster.
Now, back to the 1111. As you are wondering about the significance of 1111, lets look at whats most obvious? After you have noticed this frequent and mind blowing event enough times; then as it presents its self to you, you immediately take notice. You are filled with a sense of wonder, and begin to have the realization that something non-physical is taking place. And that is exactly what IS taking place. You are noticing the Gateway frequency of this global transformation. Did you know that when the Mayan calendar ends on 12-21-2012 on the winter solstice that it will fall EXACTLY at 11:11am? Pretty cool huh?
This is like a cosmic computer that is transmitting and receiving a numerical frequency that is ushering in the new platform for our collective enlightenment. In a way it is like a cosmic blast of energy that manifests all around us in our environment through anything that can display a numerical value. At the same time, it is to tell our conscious ego that there is more going on than meets the eye.
As Light Sprites, we want to maximize our transition into the new energy by sending focused energy into this gateway vortex that happens twice per day (11:11am and 11:11pm). By sending energy of Love, Peace, Appreciation for Earth and all her creatures daily through this gateway; our combined efforts will beyond measure.
This is a process where we are harvesting our wheat and separating the chaff. Collectively we are purging old static energy for the elevation of the new earth energies. The new earth energies are about coming together as one, respecting each other and most certainly the planet herself. The last 2000 years were of following others for spiritual guidance and social control by governments and the elite. This new age is all about inclusion, liberation and spiritual enlightenment.
We have been told that 90 percent of our DNA is junk DNA. This could not be further from the truth as it is now being activated through the ultra magnetic frequencies that we are receiving. This will in turn activate our latent 80 percent brain mass and we will begin to have new fascinating abilities. We are truly headed to a wonderful new Earth!
However there is still a lot of work to do. The planet needs much healing, as do the people who are still stuck in a negative power hungry or hateful mentality. These people will have an opportunity to move with us into the new world, but many are simply so negative they will never be able to do so. These people will face natural crossing-over through disease, accident or natural disaster.
Now, back to the 1111. As you are wondering about the significance of 1111, lets look at whats most obvious? After you have noticed this frequent and mind blowing event enough times; then as it presents its self to you, you immediately take notice. You are filled with a sense of wonder, and begin to have the realization that something non-physical is taking place. And that is exactly what IS taking place. You are noticing the Gateway frequency of this global transformation. Did you know that when the Mayan calendar ends on 12-21-2012 on the winter solstice that it will fall EXACTLY at 11:11am? Pretty cool huh?
This is like a cosmic computer that is transmitting and receiving a numerical frequency that is ushering in the new platform for our collective enlightenment. In a way it is like a cosmic blast of energy that manifests all around us in our environment through anything that can display a numerical value. At the same time, it is to tell our conscious ego that there is more going on than meets the eye.
As Light Sprites, we want to maximize our transition into the new energy by sending focused energy into this gateway vortex that happens twice per day (11:11am and 11:11pm). By sending energy of Love, Peace, Appreciation for Earth and all her creatures daily through this gateway; our combined efforts will beyond measure.
Light Sprites
Explaining the meaning of the 1111 phenomenon.
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Thursday, 17 February 2011
Booklet Marketing - The 2012 Goldmine - Will You Cash In?
Trends present a huge opportunity for anyone in any media to cash in big. This includes authors and writers across the spectrum. The 2012 thought movement is a mega trend. Whether you believe catastrophic events will occur in 2012 or not, the fact is that many people do. In fact, the 2012 thought movement is a global trend of thinking which makes it a huge, ripe market that is right here, right now.
The 2012 Phenomenon
What is a trend and what makes 2012 such a mega trend? A trend is simply something that is popular among a group of people, such as teenagers. A mega trend is something that is popular on a global level, or across a huge spectrum of the population.
2012 has become a mega trend for two basic reasons. First, it is promoted by the media. You see it everywhere - online, in bookstores, on magazine covers, and very shortly you'll even be able to see it in the theater.
Why is 2012 being so heavily promoted? Because the media know the value of taking a good trend and turning it into a mega trend or a phenomenon. And what works for the mainstream media can often be scaled down to work for booklet authors!
The second reason 2012 is such a mega trend has to do with human curiosity, fear and our love of a good story. 2012 is in the future. Since it isn't here yet there's no way to know exactly what will happen or how things will play out that year on a global scale. This leaves plenty of room for fear tactics as well as good story telling about events that might occur.
It's Been Done Before
2012 isn't the first global trend the media has recognized as being prime material for exploitation. Do you remember Y2K? That event ushered in another global trend of thought - one which the media was able to expand and cash in on.
So many people are talking about 2012 now that the media's job has gotten easier. The media may have started the fire, but word of mouth is fanning the flames. All the media needs to do now is add some new, hot information to the fire every once in a while.
You Are Part Of The Media Too
In a sense, you are part of the media. All media does is bring information to the public. You do this too, with your booklet. Movie producers do this with their films. Blog owners do this with their blog posts. There are many different forms of media.
When you see a trend happening, such as 2012, and you see other forms of media tying into it, that's a good clue that you should tie your booklet into it too if you possibly can.
Your booklet doesn't need to be specifically about 2012 or events or prophecies tied to it. Your booklet might have value in another way. The trick is to be creative and ask yourself how your booklet might tie into the trend.
A good way to come up with ideas is to study the 2012 phenomenon and learn a little more about what people think about it. Another thing to do is watch the media and see what they tie into it. Even your local news may occasionally mention it.
Watch the magazines on the news stands and the books that come out in your local bookstore. All of these things will give you clues as to what people are thinking on a global scale, as well as spark some creative ideas in you for tying your booklet into the 2012 phenomenon.
2012 is really a goldmine for you as a booklet author. It's just a matter of doing a little digging to find the right vein. Will you cash in?
Six time author Kim Hillman publishes the Writing For Riches With Booklets blog. If you're ready to jump-start your writing career, make more money and enjoy the success you've been dreaming of, get your FREE tips now at
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Monday, 14 February 2011
End Of The World - 5 Possible Outcomes
2012 End Of The World Theory ( What The Government And Nasa Aren't Telling You)
Friday, 11 February 2011
End Of The World - 5 Possible Outcomes
2012 End Of The World - Is 2012 end of the world?
Saturday, 5 February 2011
A Spiritual Aspect of 2012 Phenomenon and the Fifth Sun
Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of catastrophe in 2012.
The apocalyptic forecasts are considered as pseudoscience by astronomers and scientists. NASA compares 2012 doomsday fears to the approaching end of the millenium namely the Y2K..There were books, some scary, some supposedly prophetic that an immense cosmic wave will change everything- for good or evil. Some forecasts were interpretations of Nostradamus quatrains. Some authors warned of catastrophic floods, earthquakes, famine and a shift of the Earth's magnetic poles, and other calamities. January 1,2000 came and went - so much for the Y2K scare.
There will always be " end- of- world" predictions. Backtrack to March 10,1982, a prediction of the Jupiter Effect, a cataclysm that never occurred. Do people hope for the world to end? Many of the proposed alignments or theories have not been accepted by scholars.
Enter the word: eschatology, made up of two Greek words " eschatos" meaning last or final and "logos" meaning word study. Eschatology is a branch of Christian theology that deals with biblical studies of end of times prophecies, events like the Rapture, Second Coming of Christ and the Tribulation, Millenial Kingdoms and Future Judgment. Primary books in the bible on end of times prophecy are the book of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation. Eschatology also deals with the study of what follows the endtime.
Is there a new awakening on December 21, 2012? This phenomenon includes a range of eschatological beliefs of a transformative and cataclysmic events on this day. Believers base this proposal on the Mayan Long Count calendar which is said to be the end date of a 5,125 year-long cycle, which includes astronomical and numerological formula related to this date.
New Age interpretation of 2012 believes that humanity may undergo positive and spiritual transformation. Believers in a new awakening are now consciously trying to make this world a better place through good thoughts, words and deeds. With global consciousness, it is possible to break through the barriers and tear down the walls of indifference in our global society.
At sunrise on December 21, 2012 - for the first time in 26,000 years - the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic, describing in the sky a great cross of stars and planets. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life - a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions.
This alignment will open a channel of cosmic energy that will flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising it to a higher level of vibration.
The Fifth Sun and The Return of Consciousness
The Mayan calendars are sophisticated and with a vast comprehension of time, seasons and cycles.
It must be considered that the Mayans and other spiritual traditions understand that evolutionary energies from the Galactic Centre vary in their quantity, quality and properties over time. Hence, the division of earth, air, fire, water and ether with associated cosmic calendars and cycles that take this into account. The following is titled Message From the Mayan Elders of The Eagle Clan, Guatemala and we are told by Don Pascual, Wise elder of the Mam Maya:
The Mayan prophecies speak to us of the changes towards the fifth Ajaw (fifth sun), on the famous date of December 21, 2012. This date begins the period of 5,200 years. This is a cycle of wisdom, harmony, peace, love, of consciousness and the return of the natural order. It is not the end of the world as many from outside of the Mayan tradition have misinterpreted it to be.
The first cycle (Ajaw/sun) was a feminine energy and its element was fire.
The second cycle (Ajaw/sun) was of masculine energy, and its element was earth.
The third cycle (Ajaw/sun) was a feminine energy and its element was air.
The fourth cycle (Ajaw/sun) is a masculine energy and its element is water.
The fifth cycle (Ajaw/sun) will be a fusion of both feminine and masculine energies. It will be a transition where there won't be any more confrontations between the polarities. It will bring balance and there won't be hierarchy of one over the other. Both energies will support each other. It is why this period is called one of harmony, the kingdom of love and the return of consciousness. Its element will be the ether.
This fifth Ajaw/sun comes with the power of transmutation. To reach this state of supreme harmony, it will be necessary to create the balance of the forces of the light and the dark. This is where the importance of the call of the Mam elder comes into place - the quest for the unity, the return of the natural order. This call is urgent in the face of the prophetic times in which we are living - principally for the spiritual guides and conscious people. At this time, we need to unite and create a belt of light that will contrast with the negativity.
I spent hours researching information on 2012. NASA has many articles on all aspects of 2012, for anyone interested in expanding their knowledge as to what to expect on 2012. Technology makes it easier to search for information. I still believe in backing my research with the printed word along with on-line articles.
Bonnie Moss writes to inspire and to motivate her readers to explore the depths of their heart and soul and make a difference in this world. She draws from personal experience and her interest in spirituality. Visit her website:
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2012: Startling New Secrets Revealed
I heard about the 2012 phenomenon about five years ago and I decided then to learn everything I could about it. Little did I know that there are mountains of information, many of them untrue. How could I sift through all the books and websites out there and get to the real truths?
Is December 21, 2012 the end of the world? And how can I prepare for the end times?
Is there any place on Earth that will be safe?
According to the Maya, December 21, 2012 will be the end of a 5,125 year cycle. Many believe that this signifies the end of the world, but how come people and indeed the world existed thousands of years before that? Could it be that the end of the long count Mayan calendar simply means the switch to a new one? If we think about it, our own calendar ends every year at December 31st. We don't consider it the end of the world! We just simply replace our calendar with a new one.
The Mayans did consider the Great Cycle to be important because it marks renewal of time. So this could signify, instead of disaster or end times, the dawn of a new Earth.
However, there is still concern regarding our safety and whether it is best to be prepared for any eventuality. There is no doubt that in recent years there have been an increase in natural disasters. As I type, the entire state of Queensland in Australia is submerged under flood waters. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions constant rock the countries around Pacific Rim of Fire like never before. Global warming is no longer a theoretical threat to our planet. How can you prepare for these things? The secret to preparations for disaster is to do it well in advance and make sure that all your loved ones are aware of the plan. Some things you can do are:
- Stocking up on enough food and water for at least a week.
- Having an independent source of energy (like a generator with fuel), or a solar-powered generator
- Having a communication plan in case phones or computers are cut off (like an assigned place to leave messages)
- Having a safe house you can go to outside of major areas
The only real secret I can reveal to you is that it's up to you to make your own informed decision. No one out there can really tell you the truth about 2012. Right now, all anyone can do is speculate on the future. But it's my opinion that it's best to be prepared and be prepared as soon as possible.
Watch a free video and learn more startling truths about the year 2012 and what it means for you and your family. Visit 2012 Truth Revealed to find the answers to the questions you've been asking.
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Wednesday, 2 February 2011
2012 Survival Guide - What Will You Need
So, you have come to a conclusion that the 2012 phenomenon is real and that you want to survive the possible events to come. But what do you need to survive. Well, that depends entirely on what the event will be. It could range from a nuclear war to an asteroid strike.
Before we get into specifics, lets start with the basics. You will need a first aid kit, batteries, paper towels, bottle water, canned foods, and a tool kit. This should be kept in a safe place where you can easy take it with you. Now, lets get into some scenarios.
In order to actually survive major events like nuclear war and asteroid strikes, you will need to find a deep, underground concrete and steel structure, like a bunker or mine. A bunker will really be your best chance of survival because they are built to withstand the incredible forces at hand.
The bunker should have air and water filtration systems built in. The bunker needs to be able to filter out radiation, biological hazards, and chemical hazards. There should be enough canned foods to last a minimum of three years. The bunker should also have a built in energy source like a generator of some sort. Lastly, the bunker should have the ability to communicate to the outside world, like radio, television, and phone lines.
Once the disaster has passed, you will need to know your plan of destination. Where are you going to stay? It could be a city that has a survival hub, that will provide all the commodities like fresh food, clean water, communication, and evacuation routes. It is best to check with your local representative before hand.
Of course, it will really depend on how you treat the situation, since you know your environment a lot more than anyone else could. With this helpful tips, you will adapt to knowing how to execute your plan of survival for 2012.
There are times when action is needed to prepare for the unexpected. Same can be said for the untold events of 2012 with the right essential guide []. With the proper knowledge on how to survive in 2012, you can be ready.
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