Monday, 14 February 2011

End Of The World - 5 Possible Outcomes

There has been much discussion about December 21, 2012, and the cataclysmic events that are about to descend upon us. To this end it it very difficult to siphon out the fact from the fiction, who do we listen to, who do we believe? I have listed five categories of possible outcomes in no particular order of prominence or importance based on my own research into the subject. I do not subscribe to any of these beliefs and have no scientific proof to validate them, quite simply because I have not been able to find any to back up any of the claims. 1. Climatic Catastrophe 2. Cosmic Anomalies 3. Human Interventions 4. Religious Apocalypse 5. Spiritual Awakening Climatic Catastrophe - By far the easiest to digest and understand due to the simple fact that these are occurrences that have already taken place and the evidence of their destruction is plain for all to see. These include flooding, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, ice age, global warming, Cosmic Anomalies - Collisions of seismic proportions from comets, asteroids, space debris, wayward planets could all be possible for total destruction of planet Earth. Discovery of black holes, worm holes, distortions in time/space continuum can also be grouped in this category. Human Intervention - Is there a possibility of World War III?- if this were the case it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will be nuclear and ultimately devastating. Outside of man's own self-destructive tendencies the simple and often overlooked possibility of nuclear holocaust through accidental causes at any or all of the nuclear energy plants scattered throughout the world is not beyond the realms of possibility. Swine flu pandemics, plague, biological warfare, terrorist plots are all within mankinds capabilities. Religious Apocalypse - Religious fanaticism has been the cause of turmoil throughout the ages. Different creeds, tribes, religions all have their own beliefs in regards to the end of the world. There are those who believe that the world will end during the reign of the next pope, that the End of the Church equals the End of the World. Is there another coming of the Anti-Christ? Spiritual Awakening - A far more appealing viewpoint is that the world will not end at all but purely the world as we know it will come to an end. This can be through Spiritual Awakening and a return to true basic values of community, friendship and love of fellow man Personally, I know which road I would prefer us to travel down... Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1877104) Submit articles to, and watch your traffic increase. Click here to make it happen. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! George O'Kelly - About the Author: If any of the points raised in this article are of any interest please go to to find out more on the subject.

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