Saturday, 26 February 2011

Survive December 21 2012 - Is The End Of The World Upon Us?

The Mayan Calendar predicts the end of the world in December 2012. More specifically on December 21, 2012. Why this date in particular? Simply because the Mayan Long Calendar actually finishes on this date. How is it all going to end? Depending on what experts you subscribe to, there are a number of defining events that could be responsible for the demise of the world in the coming years. Rather than being sensationalist and scare-mongering it must be pointed out that there is no categorical scientific evidence to prove any of these theories and thus they remain that - just theories. So what are these theories? Some believe that it will be the end of the world period. Others believe that it will merely be the end of the world as we currently understand it. It may simply be a return to basic values or a spiritual shift of seismic proportions. Theories of a more grounded nature are the beliefs that natural events such as hurricanes, volcanoes will be utterly devastating. Polar shift, where the North Pole becomes the South Pole and vice versa is a preferred theory. Ozone layer disintegration, asteroids, black holes and a myriad of other cosmic events are also in the melting pot. Human interference is also considered possible for bringing the world to a halt on December 21 2012. Warring among nations with the introduction of nuclear weapons of mass destruction is a strong contender as is the simple possibility of nuclear accident. Swine flu pandemic or biological warfare are also nominations in this category. Religious believers have theories of their own, culminating in an apocalypse of biblical proportions. Tribal beliefs also rate highly from the Mayans themselves through to the Hopi Indians and others too numerous to mention. Many theorists believe that signs of the Doomsday are already amongst us and have been for quite some time. Volcanic eruptions in the Caribbean, the devastating tsunami in Indonesia, the recent tragic earthquakes in Haiti are all clues to the oncoming end. Nostradamus saw the earlier appearances of evil in the guise of September 11 and even further back to Hitler and World War II, is it possible that World War III will cause the end of the world? The election of the first black president of the USA is considered in some circles to also point to December 21 2012, as is Communist plots, Chinese world dominance and the list goes on and on. Some believe that world governments do not want us to know about what is coming as it may create mass hysteria. If all, or any, of the theories are correct what should we be doing to prepare - is there any point? - will any of us survive? Survivalists are already preparing through stockpiling of dried provisions, survival gear, dome shaped dwellings and other basic necessities, it might be wise to have a neighbor who may seem slightly eccentric, but well prepared at the same time! Then there are those who think they know what will come after December 21, 2012 and that quite simply put is December 22, 2012, and if that is the case it may be well advised not to tell your boss where to stick his job, just to be on the safe side! Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #1877098) Submit articles to, and watch your traffic increase. Click here to make it happen. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! George O'Kelly - About the Author: If any of the points raised in this article are of any interest please go to to find out more on the subject.

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