Saturday, 16 July 2011

End of the World Countdown - The Day When Michael Shall Stand Up

This intriguing countdown to the end of the world as chronicled in the eleventh and twelfth chapters of the book of Daniel shows clearly how end-time events will reach their apex. When you coordinate this prophecy with chapters 2, 7, and 8, you will see clearly that Daniel 11 is likewise a parallel prophecy of the succession of world kingdoms leading up to the end of the world. The countdown of end-of-the-world events from the utterances of different prophets and the records of various Bible writers must not be analyzed in isolation. Very often I see where different theologians in their commentaries on end-time Bible prophecies often fall down when it comes to consistency of analysis. One of the areas of inconsistency is found in the identification of the angel Michael. Many Bible commentators make it appears that the deliverance referred to in Daniel 12:1 will be the work of an ordinary angel and not of Christ. Who is Michael? The word Michael in the Hebrew language means 'one who is like God'. This seems to be the description of a being with Godlike attributes that earns Him such a reputation. When I think about this definition of Michael two Bible references would immediately come to mind. In Exodus 3:2-5, it is said that it was "the angel of the Lord" that Moses worshipped at the burning bush; in Joshua 5:13-15, it was an angel that Joshua worshipped when, with drawn sword, He announced Himself as the Captain of the Lord's host. The divine Angel whose voice will raise the dead at His coming According to the book of Jude, Michael is said to be the archangel (vs 9). If this archangel is worthy of worship, then He must be Christ, the Son of God. The only two beings in the universe that are worthy of worship are the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb (Christ) (Rev. 4:8-11; 5:8; 21:22; Jn 5:23, and none of the angelic beings that are under the command of this divine Angel should be so regarded (Col. 2:18; Rev. 19:10; 22:8, 9). In agreement with this position, the apostle Paul clearly teaches that that same angel of the Lord (the Rock) who was with Israel in the wilderness, and who was worshipped by Joshua and Moses, was Christ (1Cor. 10:1-4; Exod. 23:20-23)! This is not an orthodox view but if we follow the biblical countdown of end-of-the-world events we will see the clear, consistent teaching that it will be Christ who, "with the voice of the archangel" (Michael) (Thess. 4:16), will deliver His people in the time of the end and call forth the righteous from the dead (Jn 5:28, 29). That is precisely the scenario that was set forth in Daniel 12 in connection with Michael standing up. Here is what verse 2 says, "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." The One who will deliver His people from the Antichrist's oppression In Daniel 11:45, it is stated that the king of the north (the Antichrist) will come to his end and none shall help him. As the prophecy continues into chapter 12, you will clearly see that it is at that point that Michael shall stand up. It is when Michael stands up that the Antichrist will be destroyed. But if we should accept the clear truth that the king of the north and the Antichrist are one and the same, then we cannot escape the clear implication of the Paul's teaching in his second epistle to the Thessalonians. In his unique countdown of events leading up to the end of the world, he declared that this 'man of sin' will be destroyed by the spirit (word) of Christ's mouth and by the brightness of His coming (2Thess. 2:3-8). Furthermore, if we can accept the fact that the 'man of sin' and the beast of Revelation 13 are identical, then we must also accept the inevitable conclusion that John's account of the King of kings and Lord of lords, who was seen riding on a white horse, executing judgement on the beast and the false prophet in Revelation 19, is a repetition of the same end-time scenario in Daniel 12:1. Make sure you are on the same side with the Captain of the Lord's host As the end of the world draws near we need to pay attention to the biblical countdown of all the events and coordinate them into one narrative for a better understanding of end-time Bible prophecy. Our present duty as Christians is to make sure that when that time comes, when Michael shall stand up, we are not found on the side of the oppressors but on the side of this mighty Captain of the Lord's host, with our names written in the Book of Life.     Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #4335205) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! Steve Sterling - About the Author: The final warfare in the end of time will be between Michael (Christ) and the 'man of sin' (the Antichrist). For a most intriguing end-time prophecy report on the countdown of last-day event leading up to the end of the world, click here to download a copyof the End-time Prophecy Ecourse To sign up for the FREE END-TIME PROPHECY SEMINAR on how to interpret Bible prophecy, click on: Steve Sterling is a prophecy researcher who has been studying end-time Bible prophecy for over 25 years. He has written many articles and makes many presentations on the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. His latest contribution to the ongoing debates on the book of Revelation is the End-time Prophecy Ecourse.   google_ad_channel = AB_cat_channel + AB_unit_channel; google_language = "en"; Questions and Answers Ask our experts your Religion related questions here... Ask 200 Characters left Why do you think the buzz around the end of the world has spawned so many books and movies in the past few years? It would seem as though the genre is enjoying resurgence since the 50's Does 'Stonehenge' have anything to do with "dooms day December 21,2012"? also known as "The end of the world" What are signs of the end of the world ? 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