Wednesday, 6 July 2011

End of the World: What People are Saying About It

Not to be a party pooper, but you do realize that the world is going to end next year, don't you? Many people are claiming that the world is going to end next year that in fact, 2012 is basically synonymous to the end of the world. You can try Googling the date and all you will probably find is a lists of predictions and theories concerning how we are going to be wiped off the face of the planet. Whether you believe it or not though, it's a great idea to keep abreast into the latest doomsday predictions that are running the rounds. A few of the popular and most well-believed predictions are listed below. The Great FloodThis is probably what you fear the most out of all the doomsday predictions. I mean, think about it, if the world is going to be covered in water, what are your chances of surviving? You could probably survive earthquakes or even a sudden ball of fire or even freezing temperatures but how do you escape the great flood?Most people that the world will end through this since, didn't the world sort of end like this during the time of Noah? Though there are really no evidence to show otherwise, the Christian belief is so embedded in all of us that it is easy for us to believe so. Magnetic Pole ReversalIt might sound fancy but it basically means one thing: the north and south pole will be reversed and that this reversal will cause extreme calamities and natural disasters. In fact, scientists believe that during the short time that this happens, the Earth and of course us who are in it, will be exposed to the harmful rays of the sun. It is not clear whether being exposed to it will burn the surface of the planet but the most popular theory is that during that time, the surface of the Earth will probably be too hot. So, end of the world predictions and theories would have you choose between two things: to drown or to burn. In the end, I take these doomsday end of the world theories in stride. Fear is a great motivator and it helps me live my life to the fullest everyday but I do not let these fears get the best of me. If and when the world is going to end, I believe that I won't have any control of it and the only thing I can do is to prepare my family and myself the best way I can. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #4179978) Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! LisaDickinson - About the Author: If you want to be more prepared for 2012, check out End of the World. The free video reveals all you need to know about the year 2012. google_ad_channel = AB_cat_channel + AB_unit_channel; google_language = "en"; Questions and Answers Ask our experts your News and Society related questions here... Ask 200 Characters left What are signs of the end of the world ? How many predictions of the end of the world ? Why do you think the buzz around the end of the world has spawned so many books and movies in the past few years? It would seem as though the genre is enjoying resurgence since the 50's Rate this Article 1 2 3 4 5 vote(s) 0 vote(s) Feedback Print Re-Publish addthis_pub = 'articlesbase'; addthis_brand = ''; addthis_options = 'twitter, favorites, email, reddit, stumbleupon, delicious, facebook, google, more'; ch_client = "articlesbase"; ch_width = 795; ch_height = 300; ch_sid = "mpu_articles"; ch_cid = "mpu_articles"; ch_type = "mpu"; try { ch_meta_tags = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'); for(var i = 0; i < ch_meta_tags.length; i++) { if(ch_meta_tags[i].name && ch_meta_tags[i].name.toLowerCase() == "keywords") { ch_queries = ch_meta_tags[i].content.split(','); } } if(ch_queries.length > 0) { ch_selected = Math.floor(Math.random()*ch_queries.length); if(ch_selected == ch_queries.length) ch_selected--; ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected]; } }catch(e){ ch_query = document.title; } aster_cloud_id = '2439422'; aster_cloud_format = '800x100'; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

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