Monday, 5 September 2011

2012 - Is It the End of the World?

Being scientists who are skeptical of any paranormal activity they set out to prove once and for all that the Shamans of Mesoamerica could have their experience documented and scientifically analyzed. Their theory was that the spiritual ecstasies ascribed to the Shamans was to be found in the chemical constituents of the local brew that has the effect of enhancing such spiritual activities. They subjected the local brew derived from a local herb native to the Amazon, called ayahuasca, to scientific analysis and discovered it contains the compound chemically known as dimethyltryptamine and harmine, which is a beta carboline. In plain language, these are chemicals necessary for enhanced brain activities that resemble the natural secretions from the pineal gland. They took the herbs themselves to ascertain the efficacy through experiences, and experienced what was later described as altered state of consciousness. Their research led them to linking the activity of the herb to the Chinese principle of I-chang. I-chang deals with the several combinations of positive and negative forces, called the ying and yang, to produce a definite union. They noted that the symbols of ying and yang could be combined into hexagrams, sixty four hexagrams showing all the possible combinations. In a lengthy research too complex to explain here, they were able to access information on Nuclear Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA, and were able to measure the wavelengths of radiations coming from atoms and subatomic particles involved. They were able to create what they described as a time wave for these particles. They were also led to apply the same principle to bigger entities like the earth, creating a time wave of history. They discovered that all the waves syndronised - both the earth and atomic waves - just once, and that was the year 2012 AD. That was the joint peak of all was. They published their work titled ''The invisible Landscape,'' in 1975. Meanwhile, quite independently, an American Jose Arguelles, published a book he entitled ''The Mayan factor''. The focus of his book was the ancient civilization of the Mayans of South America. When Cortez invaded their land in 507AD, most of their sacred writings were destroyed by the conquistadors. However, five of the books were able to be saved. Today, they are kept in different parts of Europe - Dresden, Paris, Madrid, Prague and Croatia. One thing that struck archeologists was that the calendars, which were part of the recovered writings, abruptly ended in December 21, 2012. THE MAYAN CALENDER To understand how the data was arrived at, it is necessary to look at the Mayan dating system. The height of the Mayan classical period can be said to date from 300 - 900 AD. During this period, they flourished in their civilization. In their culture, religion, philosophy, Science, Astronomy and prophesy were all intertwined together. The Mayans have over seventeen different calendars based on the researches, though only a few survived the conquistadors. Some of them dates back to millions of years and cannot be decoded. But out of the ones that survive, we can only talk of a two important ones. The first is what is called the Haab cycle. This calendar is completely earth based. This consists of eighteen months of twenty days each. That gives us 360 days year. The nineteenth months is only five days and according to some scholars, are regarded as five ceremonial days, which they called Vayeb. The American researcher Jose Arguelles designated July 26 each year as the Mayan New Year, which is probably divided into July 21 as the end of the year and five festival days. The second is the normal moon calendar of 28 days month. It consists of 13 lunar cycles - adapted closely to our modern Gregorian calendar. Out of these two cycles, the Haab cycle is used for ceremonial events. July 21 is therefore their new year or the cosmic turning point for them each year. It is through this that the popular Mayan long count called the Tzolkin, emanated from. This count is used for ceremonial and ritual events. It is based on the astronomical movement of the constellation Pleiades in the universe, in relation to the earth. google_ad_channel = "7940249670, " + AB_cat_channel + AB_unit_channel; google_language = "en"; google_ad_region = 'test'; It should be noted that the Mayans developed a system of astronomy not dependent on our modern equipments but intuition based, hence, there were things that were taken up and known as a matter of course by the Mayans which our own erudite scholars are at a loss to understand and interpret. Their simple nature made them environment friendly.. Thus theconstellation Pleiades ' was called T'zab, which translated means the tail of a rattlesnake. The revolution of our sun, the centre of our system, round the Pleiades' is known astronomically to be 25,770 yrs. The rotation is given as a cycle of 260 days. From the Mayans, their sacred numbers are 13, 18 and 20. Hence, 260 days is given as 13 x 20 days, which corresponds to the nine - month's gestation period of the human being. Some other little coincidences exist. For example, there are 13 lunar cycles, 20 amino acids in the DNA, and 260 different cells in the body. The Mayans calendar has days which they called kin, twenty days make one month (Ulinal), 13 months make one year (Tun) twenty years make one K' atoon, which is 7200 days, and20 k' atuns make 144,000 days.(Are these numbers familiar?). 144,000 days is called a Baktun. Mapping with modern calendar How do we now correlate the Mayan calendar with the Gregorian calendar? This was precisely the question that Mayan scholars sort to answer. In 1992, the university of Guatemala, after rigorous research came up with the idea of using a common astrological event. For this they chose the eclipse of the sun that happened in July1, 1991. This was predicted using the calendar of the Mayans. Though the prediction was not particularly accurate, it gave a basis for the calibration of the long count using the Gregorian calendar. It was off by eleven days. Using the Dresden codex, they determined the starting point of the long count as Wednesday, 13 August 3114BC and the end date as Dec. 21, 2012 AD. There have been other attempts at mapping, but the universally accepted one is the one of the University of Guatemala, generally referred to as G.M.T. This stands for Goodman, Martinez, Hernandez, the researchers headed by Eric Thompson. The long count coincides with the procession of the equinoxes. This comprises 5,125.40yrs cycle, which coincides with 13 Baktuns, and referred to as the great cycle. It means that 13 August 3114 BC is Day one in the current count, which is referred to as zero kin, zero ulinals, zero tuns, zero k'atun and zero Baktuns. It is depicted as, while Dec. 21, 2012 reads, Monday, 19 October 2009 reads Dec 21, 2002 is therefore called the Mayan end date, or Galactic Convergence, because all cycles-long and short, atomic and subatomic, peak on that day. The last cycle was said to have began on September 20 1618. This is the beginning of the last Baktun. The last phase of the galactic great cycle began in 1992. From then, according to researchers, a quickening of time became noticeable. Even the landing of Cortez at the shores of the Mesoamerican tribes was on Good Friday, the beginning of a new cycle. IS IT THE END TIME? What is the significance of all these to mankind? As soon as "The Mayan Factor" was published, all hell, as they say, was let loose. Mystics, Seers, chanellers, prophets, doomsday fanatics all set to work. It isthe end of the world, some say. So many works were written on it. In fact, the McKenna brothers had to revise their work, giving it a specific date, the Mayan end date. So much hackneyed phrases entered into the general lexicon. On that day the world undergoes a "quantum leap in consciousness", "changes from the fourth to the fifth world". The present "linear fission of time" will "transform into multidimensionality." There is as varied an opinion as there are scholars. But basically, their ideas can be summarized in the following: The beginning of the time of the god-men on earth, resulting in a period of peace; The emergence and integration of the Divine Feminine into all aspects of society. The change from the fourth world to fifth world The collision of the earth with an asteroid from outer space. The taking over of the earth by aliens from other space, The end of the world as we know it and The reversal of North and South Pole. So many other researchers and writers now try to gear their researches towards the Mayan end date, re-interpreting and re-inventing prophesies and predictions anew. Let us look at those prophesies and their new interpretations. The fourth world, of a highly materialistic nature, ends up on 16th August 1987, which according to Carlos Barrios in his book "Kam Wuj, El Libzo del Destino", is a time of global convergence of environmental destruction and natural disasters which culminate in the year 2012, the beginning of a time of peace and harmony, the fifth world. This corresponds to the ideas of the Hopi Indians, Elders and Eskimos. their prophesies are without end dates. The period, when the "Blue Star Kachina" will appear in the sky, according to Hopi Indians. Once again, the Hopis never gave a date to these things. The Billy Meier contacts of aliens who gives him prognosis of the future. Once again, Billy never clearly stated what will happen in 2012. THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM In trying to understand the tears of the researchers, spirits and the "ascended masters", let us examine their expectations in greater details. Take the issue of the time of god-men for example. Anything that does not accord with the natural creational laws will definitely meet a brick wall during the transitional period to the time of peace. To these belong the wrong concepts that have thus far prevailed among mankind. Most deal with misunderstanding and making earthly of Divine promises that has reached mankind over eons of time. Part of these misconceptions is the issue of Divine Masculine, or god-men, and Divine Feminine, or god-women. Ancient prophesies indicate that there will be a time of a God-man and Divine Feminine - One female being. This is meant to coincide with the time of the purification of the earth such God-man will naturally live on earth and bring his Divine knowledge to mankind. Those who follow his teachings are imbued with his power to effect spiritual changes on earth. But they themselves are blessed in that regard, but can never become god-men themselves. The same applies to the Divine Feminine. She alone can be regarded as Divine, because she came from the Divine realm, and her presence on earth is meant to strengthen all nobility in womanhood that, through this, a new breed of women will arise who will lead in the new time. So it is not the divine feminine but noble womanhood that will be integrated into the society. We are already in the midst of this time. But the danger lies in trying to fix specific timing for these things. Attempts to do this have already caused much havoc and loss of faith at the turn of the century, when people believed that the year 2000 will mark the end of the world. But no renowned prophet has ever given the timing to the end of the present system of things for one simple reason. It is not known, though the closer the time approaches, the more accurate the predictions could be. In The Light of Truth the Grail Message gives us clarity. Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy! JaneSumers - About the Author: google_ad_channel = AB_cat_channel + AB_unit_channel; google_language = "en"; google_ad_region = 'test'; Questions and Answers Ask our experts your News and Society related questions here... Ask 200 Characters left Does 'Stonehenge' have anything to do with "dooms day December 21,2012"? also known as "The end of the world" What are signs of the end of the world ? How many predictions of the end of the world ? 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