Monday, 20 September 2010

Surviving the 2012 World - Origins of the Mayan Civilization and Their 2012 Prophecy

There are many theories that exist among different scholars about the rise of the great Mayan civilization. For years scholars have debated the issue and have developed very diverse conclusions about the origin of the Mayan people and probably the most controversial issue of all, the Mayan Calendar and the 2012 doomsday prophecy. While it is impossible to go into depth about the entire history of the Mayan people, I will touch on some basic concepts here and in a series of posts follow up with more information about the Mayans and their alleged controversial prediction.

To begin with, the Mayan civilization was the height of pre-Columbian culture. Some archaeological viewpoints suggest, the Ancient Mayan culture prospered between 200 B.C. and A.D. 900 -- incorporating over 100,000 square miles of the Yucatan lowlands. It was a civilization of great builders, traders and rulers. Although a small civilization, the Mayans ruled as many as fifty separate states and thousands of village farmers. The influence of the Mayan extended far from their exotic homeland. What sets the Mayan people apart from other cultures during that same period is that the Maya appear to have arrived with an advanced technological science already in place rather than evolving their technological science over a long period of time as we would expect from most cultures. This suggests that the Mayan originated from an earlier more advanced people who migrated into the area where they are known to have lived. According to Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, the late-great Egyptologist, scholar and one of the foremost authorities on Ancient American civilizations, the Mayan can trace their civilization back to the early Olmec civilization who in turn trace their beginnings back to early African-Egyptians. These African-Egyptians traveled the Atlantic Ocean much earlier than Christopher Columbus, and established an early presence in the Americas, influencing not only early Mesoamerican civilizations but all future civilizations such as the Mexican, Mayans and others. Evidence to substantiate this early African-Egyptian claim are the first Egyptian type pyramids that appeared during this Mesoamerican period and stone statues that were erected that resemble broad Negroid features similar to the type found in early African civilizations like Egypt. Understanding this deep connection that the Mayan have to the Olmecs and ultimately to the African-Egyptians, it becomes clear of why the Mayan were considered to have developed a very advanced culture in such a short period of time.

In terms of the significant scientific and technological discoveries, the Mayan were very advanced and known for its innovations. The most famous and definitely the most controversial discovery of the Mayan is the Mayan Calendar, which calculated the cosmic cycles and time. Although the origin of the exact date of the calendar is still a topic for debate, it has become accepted in many scholarly circles that the Mayan calendar dates back to at least the 6th century BC. Since the Mayans were known for writing detailed histories, they were skilled in using their calendar to predict the future and astrological events. Based on this, scholars have suggested that the rare celestial alignment or polar shift of our solar system, sun and planet with the center of our galaxy, that they are tracking constantly, coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar cycle on December 21, 2012. This subject, although controversial, should not be taken lightly because we are witnessing right now major environmental signals that suggest something is happening, for example the earth getting hotter (global warming), massive storms in the most obscure places, earthquakes that have destroyed entire cities and killed thousands (Haiti), hurricanes that have devastated cities and left those cities buried in water (New Orleans, Gulf Coast, etc.), volcanoes erupting in Europe and many more incidents that time nor space will permit me to share. In our information driven world, acquiring knowledge and then having the ability to utilize that knowledge to make wise decisions will be the necessary keys for surviving this or other potentially catastrophic events.

This is the first article in a series that highlight the Mayan civilization and how to survive the 2012 world if a potentially catastrophic event were to occur. The next article in this series will go into detail about this celestial alignment, the end of the Great Cycle and the 2012 end of the world prophecy.

For more information about this topic and to gain access to a must read book, I recommend that you visit to get a more in-depth understanding of the Mayan people and this 2012 phenomenon.

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